When we own who we are…

Others may never understand the experiences that made you who you are and how you move about life. ⁣⁣ Their misunderstanding or judgment does not invalidate how you feel, make you wrong for how you operate, lessen what you’ve been through, or require you to change.⁣ When we own who we are – all the… Continue reading When we own who we are…

Relationship Triggers

The triggers are guiding us to heal old pain and break patterns. Inside this video, I share how emotional triggers – through relationships – are guiding us to heal old pain, trauma, limiting beliefs and support us in breaking patterns that prevent us from allowing what we truly desire. I share four practical actions you… Continue reading Relationship Triggers

Is there something in your way?

Do you know you’re in your own way? ⁣⁣Or you know SOMETHING is in your way, you have an idea what but, you can’t seem to get beyond this place you’ve been stuck in? ⁣⁣You do ALL.THE.THIGS but, still go nowhere? ⁣⁣Or you know what you need to do but are afraid? ⁣⁣I will bet… Continue reading Is there something in your way?

How can I help you?

We’ve advanced so much in technology – our weather can be reported 14+ days in advance. It wasn’t that long ago the tornado was upon you and that’s when you knew. That’s me. Yeah, a tornado when it comes to shifting patterns, limiting beliefs. I also mean I’m more like an internal weather Soul-caster. I… Continue reading How can I help you?

Life will meet you where you are

I hosted a private gathering this past weekend. The invitation was to go deeper within the self, connect with the heart – radical self-love.⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ Because the world you perceive and experience around you is a materialization of what is within you.⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ The conditioning, the programming, the mechanisms of survival, the behaviors to avoid pain, the… Continue reading Life will meet you where you are

Are you really happy?

⁣⁣If your ⁣ career, ⁣bank account, ⁣relationship status, ⁣body shape, ⁣social media account numbers, ⁣monthly sales, and ⁣where you live ⁣are… …measures of your happiness, you are hooked into the matrix and mind programs. ⁣⁣⁣ If one or all of these things go away (because they can) how do you treat and think about yourself?… Continue reading Are you really happy?

Is your body zapping and vibrating? ⁣

💥💥 Zzzzzzt! 💥💥  💥 Is that what you’re system has felt like?⁣💥 Do you feel restless but, not much energy to move?⁣⁣💥 Has your anxiety increased? ⁣⁣💥 Does it feel like you might float or explode outside your body? ⁣⁣What’s happening are upgrades and integration. ⁣⁣You have an energy body and just like your computer or phone received upgrades… Continue reading Is your body zapping and vibrating? ⁣

Has all this chaos stirred up emotions and energy within you?

Everything you are experiencing is happening for you.  Chaos is an invitation for you to create from. For you to –– create the change you’ve been putting off,– create the new pathway that has been whispering to you,– create the expression of your message, art, healing, essence, soul.  It’s why you will see many make… Continue reading Has all this chaos stirred up emotions and energy within you?