Why CHANGE feels hard and when SELF SABOTAGE kicks in…

Beliefs buried in the subconscious mind are the biggest block to creating change, MANIFESTING and attracting your desires.
These beliefs run on auto pilot and can be difficult to recognize within yourself (as a Psychic Medium I see them clearly for my clients).
They’re hard to see yourself because these autopilot programs once served a purpose – to protect some kind of PAIN or HURT from happening.
Also within you are Aspects that hold these programs in place.
To these programs and Aspects, CHANGE becomes a THREAT.
And what happens is, as you begin to make change, these inner Aspects and programs kick in, turn on and do their job of running the ‘protection program’.
Something like:
– self sabotage kicks in,
– projecting onto others,
– avoiding what you know you want to do,
– mind chatter about all the reasons it won’t work, why you can’t have it, how you’ll fail….
The Aspects guarding the
• past pain,
• fear of being seen,
• vulnerability,
• unworthiness,
• shame of desires…
is the part of you that takes the sabotaging actions necessary to keep you and these programs “safe”.
When you get too close to going beyond the inner limitation and into sensitive territory, the program kicks into self preservation mode.
It is an internal set point that kicks in, automatically, to keep you from feeling what you’re afraid you’re going to feel when you reach that experience you’re striving toward.
Most times you won’t even see this happening until you’re 5 or 10 steps backward. That’s how cunning these inner workings are.
They truly believe you may get badly hurt or even annihilated. So they work real hard to not allow you to get in the way.
Wild how your mind works. Right?
If you’ve found yourself on a hamster wheel and no matter what you do you can’t seem to hit that goal, attract that love, feel abundant, lose the weight, grow your business, move forward in life…. Consider how your buried beliefs and past pains are actually “protecting” you from what you really want.
In the work I do with individuals, I identify these Aspects and subconscious programs and guide my clients to dismantling these barriers.
The Aspects and programs dismantled holistically – mind, body, spirit. Energetically, Emotionally, Spiritually.
This OPENS the field of POSSIBILITIES.
If you can dream it, you can live it.
Now, quit f@cking around!
Kelly Ann
By the way….I have space for one on one clients who are ready to fully step into and claim the dream that lives in their heart.
If you think it’s you,,, Apply for an intuitive energy assessment call (limited number available – apply now). 
If you know someone who might be ready for this transformation and up-level, feel free to share.