Chaos is your signal

Can you really afford to continue holding yourself back? You’re seeking your purpose, trying all the things, doing all the tasks but, you’re still confused, running yourself ragged, and racking up debt.

You’re running around on a hamster wheel trying to find ‘your thing’ but, going nowhere. You keep getting sick, you try jobs and lose them, your business isn’t supporting you.

Your past taught you it wasn’t safe to be fully you. It was safer to be out of sight, not fully shine, to hold back who you really are so others feel better about themselves.

And now, it’s all too HARD and frustrating. Because…

You are not fully showing up. You are holding back who you really are.

I get it… You were born into a family who doesn’t get you. You see and feel the world differently. You want to fit in, belong, not get kicked out of the tribe.

You’re afraid of what others will think if they see this side of you. You’re worried by saying what you really feel and believe, you’ll look like a fool and be made fun of.

So, you fly under the radar. You hold back. You don’t share your truth.

You fit in, get along, please others. And its killing you slowly.

You aren’t believing in yourself. You abandon you. You do the things to yourself you’re afraid others will do to you.

It is creating chaos in your life. It is costing you too much to keep holding back… Your health, money, inner happiness, relationships…

But, how do you get to the other side?

The old must die for the new to be birthed through.

What you seek is within you. This is not new information.

What you’re really seeking is how to get to and through the other side of these invisible barriers, to alchemize the energetic ties that bind you, to shift your inner dialogue.

To FINALLY feel safe, confident, empowered to BE all of who you are.

Sharing your art, healing, message is so much easier when you surrender to your authentic self and allow what is within to be birthed and expressed through you.

It is what Rebel Rebirth is all about… The way through and beyond these invisible limitations, insecurities, fear programming…

We begin 2/5 on a five-week submersion within, clearing, and expansion of the authentic expression of YOU and the life you were born for.

Details here