Are you subconsciously denying your desires?

Do you know what you want?

Are you really clear on your DESIRES?

Or do you keep things at a safe distance away to not risk feeling what you’d feel if you allowed yourself to want it but, didn’t get it?

Or is there an underlying fear if you get what you want, you’ll lose it or it’ll leave? 

Do you subconsciously keep yourself from manifesting because it feels too vulnerable and risky to want something?

:: Love

:: Money

:: Hot body

:: Rocking business

:: Beach house, mansion, tiny home…

Were you taught wanting things is bad?   

Or there is a price to pay to receive it?

Or that you should just be happy with what you have?

Or maybe you’ll be hurt if you have it and it leaves?

With Empaths, Healers, and Sensitives I see additional inner programs about :

– it has to be hard / it can’t be easy

– others will be hurt / feel bad if I am successful, happy, healthy, rich

It’s not the things and experiences you cannot manifest…

You’re so fucking powerful you manifest EVERYTHING!

It’s the vibration you’re tuned into and coming from.

It’s the inner programs and belief systems running in the background that reflect in your experience.

It’s about taking the courageous risk (to the fears) and allowing yourself to be present with what arises within as you seek more of the life you want to live.

This is the Way of the Empowered Empath.

// To boldly choose.

// Grounded in vulnerability.

/ Confident in your path.

// Feeling safe to fully express yourself.

That’s the thing… Because your life has been a journey into your heart.

You feel so much.

Life is asking you to release the next layer of energetic protection.

To allow yourself to drop into your desires and feel what it feels like to have that wish fulfilled.

It’s not outside you. It’s within you.

It’s tuning into the frequency that attracts what you desire.

You must drop the density to tune in.

That’s part of the journey we’re traveling through in this next group course.

You have very carefully crafted these inner beliefs and programs;  they are no longer necessary.

Releasing them stirs up stuff you may have tucked away or used to keep you from feeling exposed or vulnerable.

It is not about getting rid of anything – that’s a whole other energy.

It is about remembering how powerful you are and how effortless it is to allow what you want.

It’s releasing the density, belief systems and programs that is the effort. Because intertwined in there is some pain that has yet to be resolved.

Ask yourself “Am I afraid to allow myself to want I want because I’m protecting myself from feeling some kind of pain?”

Or “Am I afraid to feel what others will feel about me if I feel great and I am truly happy?”

Happiness is your birthright.

I am inviting 10 people to come along with me on this five week journey.

The energy is so RIPE. Information is coming through on the daily.

I cannot wait to be inside a sacred space and circle to play with you, expand the energy, drop into other experiences, take quantum leaps, and feel more alive and empowered to create and expand on this journey. 

Let’s play! —>