Emotions are energy in motion. 

Stagnant emotions cause physical, energetic, spiritual, and emotional stagnancy in your vibration.

You gotta feel it to heal it.

And I’m not talking about the mind fuck that occurs when stories are running rampant through your mind and you are talking at nauseam about whatever has triggered the emotion. (I know that all too well).
That is so last year.
The key to tapping into more of your energy and becoming emotionally free is to get to the core – at the vibrational level. 
Set yourself free.
Healing, ascension, evolution, revolution happens at the vibrational level. 
Want to live 5D, 12D, a different paradigm, expand into the greatest version of yourself…. ? 
Do the vibrational “work”.
Stay out of your head and into your body.
This is where the transformation occurs. 
You are THAT powerful.
That powerful to create the change you desire.