Is your genius, message and gifts being numbed out?

Big pharma is numbing out Geniuses, Sensitives, and Empaths – the next level leaders here to have a ripple effect of change in the world.

Maybe it’s not DEPRESSion medication you’re genius, message and gifts are being numbed out by…

It’s also your people pleasing, the focus on your plan B, the drama distractions, your need to control the ‘how’ of all outcomes, the mind fuckery you give your attention and energy to… Fear, insecurity, self doubt, worry…

All of that can be flipped and the energy and effort used for creation of what you actually want to experience.

💣 You’re a motherfucking creator and you’re afraid of your POWER. It’s not your fault. It’s in the programming.

💣 And you ARE more powerful than the programming.

I didn’t need Prozac, Wellbutrin or Zanax.

I needed to get radically honest about my sexless relationship, soul sucking job, the extra 100 pounds on my body and how I was living numbed out, constrained and contained inside the “American Dream”.

I had it all and felt nothing.

Even though I did not have examples around me of others living MORE, I felt and knew more was possible.

Ahhhh but, was I just I a dreamer? Delusional?

YES. And, thank fucking goodness.

💪🏻 I made bold moves, radical decisions and let it all crumble along the way.

💪🏻 I built new and I created MORE from all that fell away.

💪🏻 There were shaky, soul shattering times and I created more and BETTER from them too.

What kept falling away was who I was not. The parts of me playing out roles of who I was taught to be and how life was to be lived.

There was more of me and life on the other side of my bold, rule breaking CHOICES.

Holding in all of who I really was led to living a mediocre, robotic life.

And yet, something within always leading and guiding me; giving me hints and opportunity along the way.

It was up to ME to take the leaps, make the harder choices, jump into the transitions.

It is kind of like pulling a band aid off quickly. You know it might hurt AND the pain is over quick.

Prozac didn’t do that for me. The pain lingered longer – under the surface; waiting for me to fiercely choose ME and remember nothing outside of me is more powerful than me.

🙈 Not only was my pain numbed out (and never really gone), so was my life.

🐵 Life was kind of like walking around inside of one of those huge sports mascot costumes.

Until I didn’t fucking care to live numbed out and robotic any more.

💥 I took the leaps and landed in all the nets – even when there wasn’t any evidence.

💥 I followed my inner guidance and developed deep trust in myself and life.

And one day I was like “Holy Fuck… I have the freedom in my life I said I wanted”.

It’s just that it didn’t look 👀 like what it “should”.

Taking this path to FREEDOM, shedding who I wasn’t, and waking up to more of who I am was well worth the temporary discomfort than the long term prescribed 💊 discomfort of having to keep managing holding back myself and the life I really wanted.

My time is mine, I love the work I do, I’m healthier and more fit, I have meaningful connections, I creatively and freely express myself as inspired, and know I have the power create even more.

What leap would you take, what transition would you make if you had unwavering trust that what you need is already within you and you just have to get out of the way and set yourself free?