To men and the women who love them

Love letter to men, my brothers and for all the women who love them too.

Men, we need you. We, the world – women, children, other men, earth, the universe – need you.

But wait, not in the “go out and kill the bear for our survival, fight the tiger to protect us” kind of way.  More in the way of “stop suppressing any parts of yourself – we need all, ALL of who you are” – to be in your full power kind of way.

Your full power in the sense of owning, expressing, releasing all of the parts of you – your full on energy, your softer, sensitive side, your nurturing side, your emotional side.  Your power – not in the destructive, take over the world kind of way.

All of you – the balance of feminine and masculine.

This is what is beginning to fall apart on a grander level – the false structures built on masculine only energy.  The destruction is happening within. I know you are feeling it too.  You no longer want to or can suppress parts of you.  You want to let the hard shell and walls down.

You see, we are all masculine and feminine energies. (I’m so passionate about this, I’m crying at this point).  The feminine energy has been rising at exponential rates in recent years.  Men haven’t been given the support, tools, or permission to allow the integration of this energy.

For way too long you have been suppressed.  Told not to feel, don’t show emotion, don’t cry, don’t nurture – buckle up, get ‘er done.  You unconsciously took on the role as ‘provider’ and have dismissed anything seen as less than that.  And now its just too much and its fucking you up.

Men are killing themselves (literally and figuratively).  You are drugging, drinking, numbing, destructing, destroying.  Not intentionally.  In a way to cope with all that is rising within and not knowing what to do with it.  So, you dig deeper into the masculine energy – what you’ve been taught and told to do.

– You’re losing relationships you want so very much.

– Your body is breaking down.

– You’re hiding out.

– Your denial of parts of you is kicking up massive shame.

– Guilt indoctrinated into your being and cells from organizations and those who came before you – also stifled.

– The emotions held back for so long are bubbling up beyond your control.

Stuff down, numb, destroy is the default.

When you stuff or push down the feminine energy that is rising, it is like denying your right arm or denying yourself oxygen.  This energy is absolutely a necessity to you.  Imperative to yourself and the world coming into balance.

On a macro level, masculine structures are crumbling – on a micro level we’re seeing our men crumble.

Women have been integrating the masculine and feminine for quite a while now. We’ve been given the space to feel, to handle life and get things done.  We are still fighting for some things but, we have the tools and support to do so.  Men were taught to not talk about things, not need support, not to feel.

I want you to know it is okay to feel, to love, to be vulnerable, to have emotions.  There are many women holding space for you to come into your full self.  To allow this integration.  To allow the feminine energy to rise to clear all the shit out of the way in its path of you owning your full power.

Denying the feminine energy is like driving your car with only half the battery operating.  With a full battery and everything operational, you get to where you need to go quicker and with less effort.  You don’t need to bulldoze your way through life any more.

So, what does integrating the feminine energy look like?  

To honor your feelings, desires, emotions.  To let the wall down around your heart.  To let go of the pains from your past.  To forgive and heal from those who beat you down and shut you up.  To question what you believe – is this your belief or something you’ve carried on from generations past.

Why is it important to integrate this energy?

There is so much more to life available to you.  The feminine is creative energy.  You have a creative power within you – to create a life beyond any confines and limitations society has put on you.

When you come into inner balance, it shifts the entire world.  As the masculine, falsely built structures crumble, new structures can and are being built with balanced energies.  This happens within then around us.

As much as you can destroy, you can create.  

I know you want so much to allow yourself to dive deep within your own heart, to allow pure love to penetrate you so deeply it takes over your entire being, to be seen by another so clearly, and to be fully and unconditionally loved by another.

Men, we need you to support the other men in your life too.  To honor your own discomfort when  a man shows his emotions, feelings, or vulnerability.  To know the discomfort is yours.  Allow that discomfort to move through you.  Please be the example of what you wish another man was for you.

To the men who have bravely opened themselves up in this way already –  I know it has been a hard journey for you.  Thank you for all you’ve done.  I am sorry – I know it has been hard.  You’ve paved the path for those behind you to come through with greater ease.  Your pain and effort has not been in vain.

To the women who have and continue to hold space for our men to come fully into themselves – thank you for all you have done.  The hard times you’ve endured as men have revolted, bucked back, hurt you in their own defense.  Maybe they didn’t stick around but, you planted the seed.  Keep your heart open.  It is the only way we will transform.

We don’t need you to go out and kill the bears and tigers for our survival any longer.  We need you along side us co-creating this life; creating heaven on earth.

Put down your armor. Open your heart.  It is safe.  My arms are wide open holding space for you to fully bloom.  To let go of the bullshit stories and roles you’ve been squished into.

Let us see all of you.  

We need you and are ready for you.  It is safe.

Let go of the shields around your heart. Let go of the fears, guilt, shame, denial, self sabotage…. it is not yours to carry any longer.  Release it back to where it came from.  Be brave and courageous and claim all of who you are and show it to the world.

Love is so much more powerful than fear.

We need all of you.  We’re ready. So are you.  It is safe.

I can and want to help you Dear One.  I would be honored to support you in letting go of what is no longer yours to carry, and to guide and support you in owning the power you already have within you.

You need you.  The world needs you…  ALL of you.

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