Are you going through a Spiritual Awakening?

Do you feel like you’re going crazy?

Is your body feeling all sorts of pain and brokenness?

Are your emotions all over the place?

Life seem to be falling apart?

Oh! I totally get it.  I have been there.  And, had I known then what I know now, my suffering and hard times would not have been so challenging for so long.

If you’re going through some big changes and challenges, seemingly out of nowhere, you’re likely going through a Spiritual Awakening.

What does that mean?

The way I see it is your human self and your Soul are merging.  Your Soul being an energy – a grander part of you, the essence of who you are merging more deeply into your human experience.

You’re becoming more embodied with the essence of all of who you are.  The essence of you that holds no stories, fears, lack, limitation.  The essence of you that is unconditional love, brilliance, talent, pureness.

As your Soul merges, the buried beliefs, subconscious cycles, painful patterns rise up to be released.  They are not a match or in resonance with the pureness of your Souls energetic imprint.

Everything you took on is being burnt off – ancestral patterns, societal beliefs, life experience limitations. 

More of you coming through to be expressed.  The more that you’ve been calling forth.  The more you’ve asked to experience. 

The keys to moving through a Spiritual Awakening are:

  • Intention
  • Trust
  • Faith
  • Surrender
  • Empowerment

Watch this video for guidance to move through these swift shifts and what to be aware of that may stop you from moving through with ease and grace.

Do you want support through your journey?  Are you ready to invest time, attention, and energy into yourself?

You are not meant to struggle through this process.

If you’re going through some change and are ready to:

  • tap more deeply into yourself to know your guidance,
  • to trust what you are hearing,
  • to have faith in the leaps your being guided to,
  • and ready to surrender to the process

I have several programs available that are custom designed for your unique process and path.

If you’re really ready – because there is no more time to be hiding out and playing small…. BEGIN HERE and apply for a call where we’ll talk about where you are on your path and how my energy, emotional, and spiritual healing processes will support your growth and evolution. 

In case it is not clear…

My programs are for those who know much of what I shared above is part of the process but no longer want to get pulled down by emotions, tossed about by chaos and drama, stuck in their smallness, and being held back by their fears. 

My programs are for those who want to live in Faith, Trust, Surrender, and in their Power.  For those who are ready for the ride of their life and know they are the driver of the car.