Top 3 reasons to integrate your SHADOW

(there are many more!):

1. There is more of YOU available with your shadow aspects integrated and positive aspects embraced.

There are gifts, talents, wisdom, creativity, power, confidence, vision, mission, etc that become clear and available to you as you integrate your shadow aspects.

You cannot hold back some parts of you without holding back others.

You are perfectly designed. Let the world see all of you.

2. Your Soul won’t allow you to hold back much longer.

It is harder to repress, hold back and push down parts of who you are naturally and effortlessly than it is to let yourself be a full expression.

As you resist, life becomes more challenging.

Surrendering to Soul and integrating your shadow drops you into life of flow rather than fighting the tide.

3. What you seek is within.

Who you are and what you desire is beyond the stories and limitations.

The subconscious shadow holds limiting stories, past pains, and buried beliefs in place.

All that occurred in your past has been a part of your Divine design. Let go of the circumstances.

Beyond it ALL allows what you seek to become more apparent and available to you.

You are the Medicine group doors CLOSE Wednesday, November 7th (New Moon).

Join us for 4 weeks of channeled guidance and soul growth support.

We’ll begin with identifying your shadow aspects, integrate your shadow, and move into your fullest expansion – beyond what you have yet to imagine (because your shadow has been blocking your efforts!).