You are the Alchemist

You are the Alchemist going through a period of change and transformation.

Your past was the initiation to remembering your divinity, power, genius, unique gifts for NOW.

Do not focus on what happened in the past or what is happening now as things fall away. Transmute the energy – use it for the change you’re ready for.

Keep your focus on what you’re creating and birthing into.  In the energy, a quantum leap to that transition you’ve been culminating within is available to you now.

Allow yourself to be bold, BIG, and powerful. It is what the world is ready and waiting for.

Don’t let limiting stories clutter your mind, or the ‘reasonable’ excuses of why you can’t, or the subconscious fears of it all being great hold you back.

It all manifests from your choice.  What are you choosing?

Kelly Ann

P.S. Empower applications close 3/29. Six weeks of 1:1 guidance and mentorship clearing away the energetic and emotional clutter keeping you from taking the leap you can sense and feel alchemizing deep within you.

Clarity on your next steps and confidence to make the transition and share your genius, brilliance, and art in the world is available to you. Apply here.