Soul Mission Web Portal

Completely done for you.

Mystical Website Creation for Visionary Souls

You are a Healer, an Artist, a Practitioner, an Author—your magic is deep, your medicine powerful, and your creations divine.

Your energy is best spent in your zone of genius: creating, healing, guiding, and being the vessel for higher wisdom.

You’re here to share your gifts with the world, but the thought of designing a website? Not so much.

What if you didn’t have to?

Imagine a space where woo meets websites, where your online presence is as radiant and alive as your energy.

Enter a new offering like no other—an extraordinary collaboration between two powerful Mystics, birthing a website that is not just functional but infused with spirit, purpose, and magic.

Your website will not simply represent you—it will be an extension of your consciousness, radiating the essence of who you are and magnetizing the people who are destined to find you.

Ready to get started? Schedule your cauldron convo with us to bring into alchemy your desires, clarify your goals, and map out the path to your Soul Mission Web Portal.

For the Visionary Who Knows They’re Here for More

You have a mission to fulfill—a story to share that will inspire, heal, and create ripples in the world.

But let’s be real. All the tech, design, and back-end details? Not so much your thing. You don’t need another course on how to build a website—you need your magic to be seen and felt without having to lift a finger.

That’s where we come in.

Together, we’ll co-create a mystical, fully functional website that is attuned to your energy, designed to attract those who are waiting for exactly what you offer.

Meet Your Website Doulas:

Kelly Ann

Kelly Ann – Energy Medicine Practitioner, Channel, and Psychic

Your business has an energy of its own—a consciousness that desires to be seen and felt. I will tap into that energy, channeling the highest expression of your business’s mission. I will meet with you to explore your website desires and goals (both short and long-term) and guide you into the highest alignment with your vision. You will be energetically supported to step into your fullest expression, so your website will reflect exactly who you are meant to be.

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Sedona – Artist and Intuitive Website Designer

Sedona is a visionary creator who sees the soul of your business. She will extract the golden threads of your story, your art, your courses, and your services, and weave them into a beautiful, cohesive online presence. This isn’t just a website—it’s an immersive experience, a visual masterpiece, an energetic portal that mirrors your unique essence and magnetizes your ideal clients.

Why This is for You:

  • You want to focus on your gifts and trust that the tech is handled by those who understand your energy.
  • You are ready to align your online presence with your highest mission, without compromising the sacredness of your work.
  • You desire a website that doesn’t just look good but feels like you—a radiant reflection of your magic and medicine.
  • You are ready to be seen, heard, and received by those who are meant to connect with you and your creations.

What You Get:

  • Personalized Energy Session with Kelly Ann: Dive deep into the soul of your business, clarifying its highest expression and how it is meant to serve.
  • Custom Creative Design Session with Sedona: Watch as your essence is translated into a stunning, user-friendly website that feels like a piece of art.
  • Done-for-You Website Creation: All the tech and design are handled for you, so you can focus on what truly matters—your creations, your healing, your practice.
  • Optional Add-Ons: Expand your reach even further with additional options like domain registry, copywriting, newsletter integration, auto responders, a funnel creation, and more.

Take a look at some examples here.

This is more than a website—this is your energetic portal into the world. And there is nothing like it anywhere else.

Your story is waiting to be shared. Your magic is waiting to be felt. Your medicine is waiting to be received.

And we are here to guide you every step of the way.

*New Service Special* packages start at $2,777 for a complete, done for you website.

Ready to Embody Your Magic Online?

Your next level awaits.

If you’re ready to have a website that mirrors your magic, medicine, and mission (your courses, books, art, sessions)—one that feels as aligned as the work you bring into the world—now is the time to take action.

We’re here to bring your vision to life with grace and ease.

Let’s get started! Schedule a quick phone chat with us to explore your desires, clarify your goals, and map out the path to your mystical new website.

The world is ready for your brilliance—are you?

Claim your spot and connect with us today!