Sacred Sessions

Energy Clearing & Recalibration Session

Has life felt chaotic?

Have your relationships been challenging?

Is there a choice you need to make and you’re unclear?

Are you moving through a change and feel like your feet aren’t touching the ground?

Have your emotions and energy been all over the place?

If you’ve been experiencing a lot of change, feeling intense, your emotions elevated, and your body achy, a Recalibration session will guide you into balance.

There is a way to work with this energy rather than it working you.

The experiences you’re having are less about the story of what is happening and so much more about the energy.

What is being stirred up – within or around you – is in support of you breaking old patterns and cycles, releasing emotional triggers so you can feel stronger, more clear, and more confident in yourself to make empowered choices and hear your intuition and guidance.

When this occurs, your nervous system can get triggered.

When your system gets triggered, the response could show up as physical illness – a cold, stomach stuff, stiffness in the body – aches / pains…

Or emotional illness – anxiety, overwhelm, fear, panic, depression…

Consider Energy Clearing Session as a boost and recalibration for your whole system.

A boost to align your energy, body, spirit, and mind.

A boost to bring energy to what has been stagnant.

A boost to clear, channel, or contain what has been in upheaval.

This single, one on one session is a combination of a clairvoyant reading and energy balancing session.

Like a defibrillator – the apparatus used in hospitals to jump-start the heart by application of an electric current to the chest wall or heart.

But, this session is for your energy body and creates changes and shifts on all levels of your being. Mind, Body, Spirit.

Are you ready?

The phone session is one hour. My intuition and energy reading is sharp. This period of time allows for the quick, fast and lasting changes to come through in a solid container.

You’ll likely have next steps and actions to take as this is me reminding you of what is already inside of you… while channeling the courage, clarity, shift in perception, and energetic recalibrations you’re ready for.

Are you ready to step into a sacred space where magic and alchemy occur?

This session is $333.

Schedule and purchase your session through this link.

No refunds on missed calls.