A six-week sacred journey of liberating your heart, art, message, magic from within
Unleash what binds you and liberate yourself to be your fullest expression.
If you knew me 20 years ago, I am not the same person I am now (I’m not the same person I was last week 😉 ).
As I grew up, I followed the life path that others before me had and was encouraged to repeat. I know they wanted the best for me but, there was always something within me – a knowing, a pull, a draw.
In the life I was living I had all the things – the career, the home, the car, relationship, vacations… But, never felt on purpose.
Something always felt like it was missing and could not be attained outside of me.
I was alive but, not LIVING.
I was in the ‘shoulds’ and ‘have tos’ rather than allowing life to flow through me.
In many of my careers, I was helping people but, not helping at the depths my soul was nudging me about.
I kept hearing “you’re meant to help others”. But HOW??
I explored many different avenues, including becoming a therapist but, nothing ‘clicked’.
Twenty years later I am doing work that was never in my awareness.
I didn’t know anyone doing Energy Healing, Emotional Empowerment, Expanding Consciousness, Trauma Healing, Creating Life through one’s thoughts…
I actually didn’t know anything about these things until…
BIG life changes occurred.
The choices I made in times of change and chaos placed me right on this path and I’ve never looked back.
- I broke all the molds set for me.
- I did things no one before or around me had ever done.
- I stepped into the unknown.
- I did the inner work.
- I followed the breadcrumbs and was led to everything I needed.
Yes, it was scary and not always easy at times.
I ended my engagement, enrolled in school, hired online mentors, worked with energy healers, left the corporate job, sold my house….
Everything I had been told was my secure future, I burned to the ground.
Along with it, I allowed myself to be burned.
Then I rose from the ashes.
I liberated myself from who I was told I should be and allowed myself to become who I am here to be.
Those were some of the BEST choices and decisions I made for myself!
Life is an ever-evolving journey.
This Liberation course lays out the steps and provides processes for what happens through the evolution and liberation of that inner voice within and to allow your Soul’s integration and expression.
You will learn how to move through what rises up in support of your evolution and growth using new-age tools such as Energy Medicine, Emotional Freedom, Shadow Work, and Consciousness Creation.
You will have tools and techniques for working with your own energy field, mindset, subconscious, dissolving hidden limiting beliefs, resolving unresolved trauma that keep you ‘safe’, and flying under the radar.
Your past has been your initiation. It is time for your LIBERATION.
The world is ready for your heart, your art, your message, your magic, your healing, your essence, and your energy to be liberated at its fullest expression.
If you know there is something holding you back and there is more of who you are you are ready to tap into and liberate, I invite you tap into what is being stirred within as you read this.
This journey of liberation is not chosen from the mind or through allowing money to decide for you.
This is a soul calling. This is an energetic alignment. This is a knowing beyond logic.
What do you feel being stirred within you right now?
What is that energy asking for?
What is ready to be liberated from within you?
You know you are way more powerful than you’ve been taught.
I would be honored to support you in remembering who you truly are and lock arms with you as you liberate your heart, your art, your message, your essence, your energy, and your soul.
Curious about my approach to going beyond the subconscious? Check out this short Instagram video.
Three aspects to explore for self-liberation.
How this course will unfold
We’ll meet for six private phone sessions.
- Identify and Transmute Buried Beliefs that Limit You
- Cut the Energetic and Emotional Chains that Bind You
- Shine the Light On Your Shadow
- Strengthen Your Energetic Container
- Be the Alchemist in the Midst of Chaos and Change
- An Open Session for What Come Through and For You
Between sessions, you have access to connect and communicate with me privately through Voxer.
In our life’s journey of evolution and growth, there are layers you move through.
Through this course, you will learn and receive life-long tools to support your evolution.
- Energy medicine, mindset, consciousness tools and techniques you’ll have to identify and alchemize your inner limitations – fears, beliefs, insecurities, self-doubts that subconsciously stop you in your tracks.
- How to work with your unique energy field and your ability to expand your capacity to hold greater levels of frequency.
- How to recognize your shadow and self-sabotaging behaviors that keep you inside patterns and programs and how to boldly and confidently release yourself.
- Become aware of what creates leaks in your energetic container and what is necessary to patch the holes for you to become a solid vessel for life and consciousness to flow through you.
- To understand how to work with the energy of chaos that is ushering in the changes you have called forth.
- And more of what you are ready for as you liberate yourself.
This is a high-touch, intimate, sacred container. As such, there are only six FIVE spaces available.
How much?
Your investment is $2,222.
Doors for enrollment open 12/4 – the New Moon and Eclipse.
Registration closes 12/22/21.
You can begin now through the New Mon on 1/3/2022.
To apply, click here.
I will respond to you after reviewing your application.