Explore the library of courses delivered to you immediately.
Integrate and Embody Your Essence Activation
We are most powerful, empowered, and creative when we are embodied. When the essence of who we are is integrated into our human vessel.
There are many reasons we become split or disassociate and forget to come back in. Trauma, fear, programming, ancestral patterns, never there in the first place.
This 13 minute audio is going to work on multiple layers of your human existence. Your energy body, physical (nervous system), mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies.
As you do this, you’ll automatically elevate your vibration and release any energies, attachments, and influences that are not aligned with your elevated frequency.
Behind the Curtain Masterclass
For the Visionaries & Healers Who Know They’re Meant for More
Your gifts are undeniable. Your ideas are powerful. Yet, something lingers—a hesitation, an unseen force keeping you from fully owning them. It’s time to see what’s been shaping your path in the shadows, so you can move forward with clarity, confidence, and the impact you’re here to create.
You Already Have the Gift. Now It’s Time to Own It.
Behind the Curtain is a 3-day masterclass unveiling the unseen influences shaping your journey—the forces that have kept you playing small, the distractions pulling you off course, and the deeper truth of who you are and what you’re here to do.
This Masterclass is your moment to pull back the curtain and see what’s really been guiding you—not just the illusions and stories you’ve been told.
- Elevate to your next level with more ease.
- Align with clean, clear creations.
- Consciously and intentionally create through life’s chaos.
- Master energy and emotional alchemy.
Soul Flow
Drop into what is real and right for YOU.
This course is going to dismantle and dissolve what no longer serves you and guide you into what is real and right for YOU.
The course will go around the back or in through the side door and before the pattern even knows it, it’s dismantled.
The best and most fun part is creation. What is FOR YOU?
Soul Flow is living life beyond the constructs of programming and limitations passed down from others or picked up from this life’s experiences.
Soul Flow is living from self trust and faith. It asks you place down the need to control outcomes. It encourages you to SURRENDER and ALLOW.
Soul sees and knows the bigger picture. Soul flow brings in more than your mind could imagine.
Soul Flow encourages you to choose and allow the “how” to be taken care of.
Soul Flow teaches you to TRUST life is for you and always unfolding for you highest and best outcome.
Soul Flow asks you be patient in the pauses and remain clear and focused on where you’re being led.
You’re deeply being led. But, are you making it harder on yourself by trying to make things happen your way?
Are you carrying forth with old ways of being that just don’t work?
Is it time to for something different, to get out of your comfort zone, and do the damn things?
I am the Queen of My Universe
21 days of shifting your mindset, dropping limitations, and energy alchemy to tap into your next level vibration.
Grab your crown, let’s do all the things. Energy Medicine, Emotional Alchemy, Conscious Creation to –
:: Stay out of your head.
:: Drop into your heart.
:: Listen to your inner guidance.
:: Take inspired action.
Because we are vibrational beings. What you are tuned into is what your experiences will be.
Mastery of You
Sensitives, Healers, Empaths. Do the energy shifts have you whirling around like an untethered boat in a hurricane?
Your gifts, sensitivities, senses, sights, and knowing are valuable and needed in this world.
For too long these innate gifts have been hidden out and snuffed down. Getting swept up in the energy and tossed about is no longer something you can continue to ‘manage‘.
For some, it is effecting more deeply – soul level, body, energy field. It keeps you from having the full impact your essence is here to experience – for yourself and those you come across.
When you are:
- in command of your energy,
- empowered within the shifts around you, and
- using your gifts and talents
… you feel on PURPOSE, in the flow, peaceful, trusting, in tune, balanced, and life matches you there.
You have all your power to create, manifest, inspire, play…
There are parts of you ready to be reclaimed.
Rebel Rebirth
You have something to share with the world. You’re here to bring about a change. You’re meant to do it your way.
There is no one to follow. No one before you is doing what you do, the way you do it.

What you are here to be and share is different. Like no other.
You can feel it within you but, it’s not clear or you are afraid to let the world see this side of you.
Join Rebel Rebirth and redefine your path to liberation and empowerment. Transmute limitations from your past and in your subconscious.
Rebel Rebirth is YOUR space to dive in, be enveloped by the transformative energy, and let your true self emerge.
Shadow Integration – You Are the Medicine

Inside this course :
:: you’ll discover your truth and the way you really want to express yourself and live this life,
:: you’ll be guided to discover and go beyond your internal limitations,
:: you’ll discover your blind spots, fears, subconscious beliefs.
:: you’ll gain the clarity you’ve been seeking,
:: you’ll feel the courage and confidence to take the bold, courageous steps
Your willingness to look at your darkness is what empowers you.
Liberation Activation
Liberate yourself and extract the gifts within waiting to be unveiled.
In this two-hour session, I will guide you through a visualization and process to liberate yourself and extract the gifts within waiting to be unveiled.
You’ll have an understanding of how your inner aspects come to be and how you are empowered to liberate them.

Rainbow Codes Activation
Rainbow Codes Activation: Unleash Your Light
Unleash your light, integrate your dark, and tap into your full power of co-creation.
- clear away the energetic and emotional density blocking your communications channels.
- connect more deeply to and embody all of who you are.
- drop the veils, step on through, and lead by example.
- allow your brilliance, gifts, muse, magic, essence to be FREE.
Drop the veils, step boldly through barriers, and lead by the example of your authentic self.
Check here for other courses.