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Soul Flow is living life beyond the constructs of programming and limitations passed down from others or picked up from this life’s experiences.
Soul Flow is living from self trust and faith. It asks you place down the need to control outcomes. It encourages you to SURRENDER and ALLOW.
Soul sees and knows the bigger picture. Soul flow brings in more than your mind could imagine.
Soul Flow encourages you to choose and allow the “how” to be taken care of.
Soul Flow teaches you to TRUST life is for you and always unfolding for you highest and best outcome.
Soul Flow asks you be patient in the pauses and remain clear and focused on where you’re being led.
You’re deeply being led. But, are you making it harder on yourself by trying to make things happen your way?
Are you carrying forth with old ways of being that just don’t work?
Is it time to for something different, to get out of your comfort zone, and do the damn things?
This course has –
– 5 videos (3 hours),
1. Welcome
2. Dropping into soul flow
3. Alchemizing energy during soul flow shifts
4. Get out of the way and into soul flow
5. Riding the energy of soul flow
– audios (2 = 15 mins),
– journaling prompts,
– practices, and processes to go in, get out of your own way, and drop into Soul Flow
The course information is broken out into 20 lessons. I invite you to take some time for yourself daily to incorporate Soul Flow.
Following Soul Flow does come with risk.
Risk of losing who you aren’t.
The payoff?
—> Gaining your authentic self.
Risk of doing something you’ve never done before.
–> And gaining what you’ve desired.
Are you ready to take the risk and allow the gain waiting for you to get out of the way?
Over the years I have shed layers upon layers of programs and constructs. I have let things go over and over again; being available to align with only what is real and right for me.
My life is a 180 from 15 years ago when I was in a corporate career, long term relationship, owned a house…
All the boxes were checked but something always felt “off”.
For a bit I battled the internal voices of what “should be” and what was meant for ME.
I broke rules. I did things my way. I risked it all to follow Soul.
The payoff?
I’m happier, have freedom in my life, share my art freely, surrounded by soulmate friends and clients, healthier (lost 100 pounds), I’ve created a business I can run from anywhere in the world…
I’ve tapped into what is real and right for me.
Dissolving the constructs and programs can be tricky.
If it wasn’t, you’d be where you want to be and what you want to have right now.
These constructs were built or carried forth for a purpose. A purpose that no longer serves you and is outdated.
And, that is where I come in.
This course is going to dismantle and dissolve what no longer serves you and guide you into what is real and right for YOU.
The course will go around the back or in through the side door and before the pattern even knows it, it’s dismantled.
The best and most fun part is creation. What is FOR YOU?
You will have access to 5 videos, journaling prompts, audios, practices, and processes to go in and get out of your own way and drop into Soul Flow.
What does Soul Flow look and feel like for you?
Not my way, so and so’s way, YOUR WAY.
You are way more free than you’ve been taught.
Join a group of fierce, determined, courageous beings who are ready to break down the constructs, pull the plug on the programs and do Life their way.
Through Soul Flow. Four weeks of tapping in, up-leveling and going BEYOND.
“This group has been amazing, enlightening, easy, and unique. I look forward to your posts every day.
It may not be always easy to share, but I feel free from judgment with you.
Thank you for the attention on my expansion!
Props to you! You do a really great job creating that sacred container not just in your calls but your groups. There aren’t enough words. Namaste”
– J.M.
Soul Flow is available now for self study.