Is what you reject about yourself also your Superpower?

(Very likely, yes)

One thing is for sure… No one in zumba class is asking me if I used to take dance lessons 😂. I stepped on my own feet today.

I love myself anyway.

When I’m going the opposite direction, still doing the previous move, and my arms are doing something different, I laugh and love myself anyway.

This is a huge accomplishment as I’ve spent many years working through feeling okay to take up space in this world. Never mind a dance floor.

My brain works different. I love myself anyway.

Childhood trauma drew forth mechanisms and aspects determined to not follow directions from other people.

At times, I’ve made it harder for myself.

And, it is also my Superpower.

I am fiercely independent, driven, and determined to find ways of life that work for ME.

It is also what I easily draw out from people I work with. 🌈 Their true desires and gifts – and reminding them who the F they are.

Is what you made wrong about yourself also your Superpower?
