Are you choosing?

Are you willing to be bold enough to choose what you really want?

So many get caught up in wishing, dreaming, visioning, hoping for….

And then remain stuck, stagnant, in patterns, and always vining for.

When you choose, the universe conspires to make it happen.

What I know is… it’s really about what is underneath NOT making the choice that holds people back.

🖤 Unworthiness
🖤 Fear of what others will think
🖤 That the choice doesn’t ‘make sense’
🖤 Not knowing the ‘how’ it’ll happen
🖤 Who might be affected by your choice
🖤 ….. and more.

Choose. You can’t get it wrong.

What you’ll see is life steps up to meet you at your choice.

I can promise you this… choices that change patterns and catapult you beyond your limited living and thinking are outside your comfort zone.

Play with choosing.
See what happens.
Let your magic be unveiled.