A lot has shifted and transpired for me in just a few short months. The last year and a half has been one of the most transforming in my life – about that another time.
I know I’m not alone. You’ve experienced it, right? Are you questioning your life purpose, your relationships, your career?
Clients, friends, and others I see are going through huge transitions and change. Not a simple path, but surely well worth the commitment. A commitment to letting go what no longer serves you.

Years ago these changes, shifts, and upheavals would have torn me down for a long while. Depressed, binge eating/drinking, fighting with those around me, sabotaging myself. I hung on to what I knew, what felt safe, and afraid of what I’d be losing. It’s different now – and much less heartache and struggle.
It’s been my search for truth and understanding of the process of life (self-help junkie that I am) and what we’re here for that has helped me stay afloat. I have many healing processes and techniques in my tool belt and now I move through these huge changes much more quickly (thankfully). It’s what I’m here to do personally and professionally…
I invite you to open your mind to a shift in perception. A shift in seeing pain, anguish, change (being fired, a break up, leaving a home, etc.) in a different way. BTW – all three of those things happened to me in the last 4 months. It’s all part of my co-creation to align with where I’m being led. All good.
Grasp this…
Before your descent into your physical body, the light you truly are chose the path, the lessons, and the Soul growth you are experiencing. Tweet this.
Everything you co-create and choose from there. You have free will. The basis of your learning and purpose here remains. The people in your life agreed to participate in the expansion of you. And you agreed to do the same for them.
Perhaps you chose the lesson of:
- Abandonment so you could learn you’re never alone.
- Loss to guide you to opening your heart.
- Shame so you could learn unconditional love for yourself.
The beauty of this process is as you heal your own barriers, it up-levels the entire energy field of others. The tough work you do is not in vain.
You are important.
You matter.
What you desires is yours to have.
You deserve all the good your heart knows is possible.
I invite you to shift your perception in seeing that everything is unfolding for your highest and best good. Always.
I’d love to hear your thoughts… leave a comment below or come on over to my Facebook page. Are you experiencing huge change? What helps you through the transformation? Do you know what you’re holding onto? What are you afraid of if you were to let go?