Do you want to lose some weight and release uncontrollable cravings and bad habits?
Have the overindulgences of the holidays and celebrations caught up with you?

If you…
- don’t have the energy you desire,
- are carrying extra weight,
- have aches and pains,
- get bloated after eating,
- have uncontrollable cravings,
- suffer from constipation,
- your clothes are just a little too tight…
Your body and system are out of balance and you will benefit from a rest and reboot.
A Rest & Reboot –
Supports overall health and wellness on SO MANY levels!
Will give your liver a rest and your gut a reboot.
Offers support to all of your organs as they rest and restore.
Reboots your self-detoxification functions of the cleansing organs to work more effectively.
Are you ready?
When your system is operating clean and effectively, you’ll-
:: release weight with ease,
:: have more energy,
:: boost your immunity,
:: aches and pains resolve,
:: skin becomes clearer (reverse aging anyone?),
:: your emotions and moods are more stable,
:: healthy choices are easier to make,
:: cravings are gone,
:: your mind and thoughts are clearer…
Yes, there may be some adjustments in the foods you eat but, you’ll be having regular food you can pick up at the grocery store.
No, you will not be in the bathroom 24/7.
Yes, you will receive everything you need to be successful!
With your registration, you receive-
- All the supplements and protocol to follow,
- A recipe book with many options to choose,
- A sample menu as a guide,
- A private group with Kelly Ann’s facilitation, education, guidance, and support,
- A community of others on the journey with you.
Everyone who has gone through this process has had success (in the ways described above).
In fact, many have repeated the journey with me again and again and their success results compound.
When: February 20th for 21 days
Where: Inside a private Facebook group with others on the journey with you.
- All the cleanse and detox supplements,
- Private Facebook group
- A recipe book,
- A sample menu,
- Supplement protocol for your success,
- Kelly Ann’s facilitation and support throughout.
Your Investment:
There are 2 options to choose from –
A. Everything above = $585
B. Everything above PLUS –
5 ml Balance Essential Oil
5 ml Tangerine Essential Oil
5 ml Lavender Essential Oil
5 ml Frankincense Essential Oil
5 ml OnGuard Essential Oil
4 oz Deep Blue Rub
($86 value) = $627
Pssst…personally, I have gone down 3 sizes in jeans! I couldn’t believe it when I put my old jeans on (I just can’t wear them anymore).
I hope you’ll join us because…
You don’t know how good you’ll feel until you actually feel this good!
Your health, well-being, more energy, clear mind, strong immunity, stable moods… are really worth the investment in yourself.
And it is such a short blip in time of your whole life!