Is the story you tell more about how it won’t work, you can’t have it, it’s too much, there’s not enough…?
That is usually coming from the part of you that is afraid. Afraid of change, afraid to fail, or even afraid of how good it can be (Yup! Some of us are fearful of good).
What would be so bad about change or maybe failing?
Put your fear(s) in perspective with what could be POSSIBLE.
Now, with that perspective, don’t the fears seems insignificant? Compared to what is possible….
Remember, you aren’t in charge of “how”. You just hold the desire / goal with an open mind to all that is possible. Then allow.
Stop telling the stories that aren’t what you want the universe to serve up to you. (foot tapping emoji)
Start telling the stories of what could be possible.
Day dream, play, imagine…