Have you heard the phrase “your vibe attracts your tribe“?
In the past I hadn’t really resonated with the word ‘tribe’ but, the more I recognize the life I’ve created and the people surrounding me, the more I see how ‘tribe’ fits.
To me, my tribe includes friends, clients, family, associates, and romantic partnerships.
Along the way, I’ve lost, left behind, and grew apart from many. It wasn’t always easy – And, it ‘not being easy’ is no excuse to NOT go on without those you don’t vibe with anymore.
The fear will tell you ‘you’ll be alone forever’. It’s not true.
In the periods of time you spend alone and in between changes in your life, take the space and honor yourself in it. Let yourself morph into the person who IS LIVING your desired life and doing work you love.
Here is what I know to be true – when you allow yourself to shift, grow, and change, there will be people there to meet you.

When you shift, those who are vibing at a similar frequency, are a match to you and want what you have, they will show up – nearly out of nowhere.
- soulmate clients,
- fabulous friends,
- other brilliant entrepreneurs,
- the business partner you were seeking,
- the amazing VA who gets you,
- the wizard web and graphic design person,
- the best dates ever…
It all happens with ease when you are vibing in the frequency of those who are a match to you.
Are you a SensitiveLeader and single?
Are you an Empathic Entrepreneur and not making sales?
Check out this video... Inside I share three ways you may be inadvertently preventing yourself from attracting the people you desire to have in your life.

Listen, you can’t get it wrong. Ever.
The imperative piece is you allow yourself to be open and guided. To trust your inner guidance and follow-through.
Trust you are reading this for a reason…
I’d love to hear what you received out of the video or this email. Message me here.
Kelly Ann