The Treasure is in your Trigger.
A trigger is something that happens outside of us that causes us to have an emotional response. Also referred to as someone “pushing our buttons”.

Feeling triggered is an empowering opportunity to uncover and heal our core wounds and release false, limiting beliefs about ourselves.
When we take the opportunity to witness what is behind the trigger, rather than react to it, deep, life transforming healing can occur (the treasure!).
A trigger goes something like this…
An event happens (a break up, betrayal, you don’t get the promotion, someone says something) then we have a feeling response (angry, hurt, sad, scared).
Under the feelings is the treasure – the limiting belief – (I am not enough, I am not worthy, love is scary, people cannot be trusted, etc)
Most often these limiting beliefs, core wounds, and feelings are under the surface – in our subconscious – until someone or some experience comes along and triggers it.
Feeling triggered is our indication something is being poked that is not true about ourselves but, on some level we believe it to be true.
Our initial, automatic response might be to get angry or feel hurt by the other. We might avoid the person or situation, blame the other for how we feel, argue with them, stuff down our feelings, expect the other to behave differently.
These and other responses are actually guarding our core wounds and affirming our false, limiting beliefs about ourselves – keeping them active.
We cannot change the event or what happened. We can only change our response to what happened.
Finding the treasure in our trigger: Get curious rather than react.
* What is asking to be embraced with love right now?
* What is wanting to be acknowledged within me?
* What are they / this situation shining the light on?
* How am I being lead to self love?
* What meaning have I made about this and myself?
Pause; do not react.
Greet all you discover and uncover with love (radical self love).
Choose a new thought, feeling and belief.
There is an empowerment and freedom in embracing the triggers and discovering the treasure.
:: You reclaim hidden parts of yourself.
:: You no longer need to work so hard to hide or defend the core wound or limited belief – you’ll have more energy.
:: You will feel inner peace.
:: You begin to trust the process of life.
:: You greet each disruption with an opportunity to align with love and create a new meaning and belief.
:: You’ll attract more of what and who you want to experience into your life.
:: The rest will drop away.
When we integrate these energetic vibrations within (beliefs, wounds, and patterns hold a vibration), we stop attracting the people and circumstances that poke at our wounds and limiting beliefs.
No wound, no poke.
The treasure is in your trigger.
The pathway to happiness begins within. {tweet me}
Change your beliefs, change your life.
You are worth it.