5 Sacred Steps to Help you Heal after a Breakup

Breakups are hard. Whether it ended in a huge fight, betrayal or a mutual agreement to part ways, your heart feels it. You’ve spent time with each other, let them into your life, your world, and now they’re no longer there. You know it’s time to move on; there is a natural grieving process regardless of how you split.

These practices will help you through a breakup:

5. Be your own BFF (best friend forever). You wouldn’t tell your BFF all the things she did wrong, could have done better, or needs to change about herself ASAP, right? Then cut yourself some slack too. Relationships end because they are meant to – they’re called “Breakups” because they’re broken. Its a good time to look back and see what you brought to each others lives, what you learned, and what you really want in your love relationship. And love yourself up while you’re doing it.

4. Create a Sanctuary for Yourself. A comfortable, safe place to allow yourself to rest, relax, and be with you. Pamper yourself a little with a new candle, a journal, some new sheets, bedding, or change your bedroom around. How about a cozy blanket to wrap yourself in while sipping warm tea as your surrounded by candles watching your favorite movies? The best place is to be is with you, make it comfy.

3. Be in the Present Moment. Ahhh… Yeah, you’ve heard this before (me too). But, now is the time to really practice it. If you find yourself reliving the past (good times and bad) or saddened by what you thought the future would hold, bring yourself to exactly where you are right now…literally. For example, snap out of it and notice your surroundings – like “I’m in my kitchen, cooking a lovely meal for myself, my cat is purring at my feet and I can hear all the birds singing outside.” Change the focus of your thoughts. It will change how you feel. Repeat as often as needed until those thoughts no longer take over your mind.

2. Focus your Energy. Maybe time with your man distracted you from your exercise routine, spending time with family/friends, your business, your hobbies, or that project you’ve had on your list. Get to it! Call up your best gal pal, go for a walk – set up a regular time (I’m always better motivated to exercise with company). Spend time with little ones (nieces, nephews, friends kids) or elders (grandparents) – they have a different way of looking at life; most often not sweating the small stuff. Or get out there and do something you’ve been wanting to do, but have been afraid to – its a great confidence booster AND you never know who you’ll meet.

1. Feel the Feelings. It is normal to feel sad, angry, lonely and such after a breakup. You might even have a tough time connecting with your feelings. The sooner you allow yourself to feel them the quicker you can move on. As my client, that is what I help YOU with – healing what is in the way of you moving toward attracting the Love you desire. Love outside of you is just a reflection from the love you have within. If you’re not likin’ what you see, then strengthen and align your essence. It is only from within you that love can increase in your experience of life.

Good luck Darlings!

Have other ways in which you move on from a breakup? I’d love to hear them!
Leave them in the comments section to help my other girlfriends. oxox

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