Are You Blocking Yourself From Love?

Do you have internal blocks to love?

Are you focused so much on what you don’t want that it’s exactly what you’re attracting – what you don’t want?

You’ve had your share of bad dates and bad relationships you don’t want to repeat those again, but somehow you’re in that cycle of attracting the same type or none at all!

Expand Your Mind to Who Your Ideal Partner Is

Maybe your list of must have’s is too inflexible. They can’t have tattoos, their hair has to be dark, short/long, they need own a home, be a millionaire, must love cats, can’t be a vegetarian… What really matters to you?

Yes, of course you want to be physically attracted to each other, have chemistry, and have common interests, but could you be allowing the person who possesses the traits that really matter to you in a relationship to pass you by?

Be really clear with yourself on what really matters and what you really want. I highly encourage you to be open to what it might look like – a lot of times the rigid list of qualities is your hearts way of keeping itself closed off and protected.

It really comes down to how you feel and what your heart tells you. Get out, mingle, and practice some flirting! Notice what you find attractive in strangers and acquaintances you cross paths with throughout your day. Then take a look at your list of ‘must have’s’ and see if you could allow some of them to fall by the wayside knowing what you really desire may come in a package you least expected?

Are you ready?

Create a list of the 5 most important qualities that matter most to you. Need help? Look at what you don’t want and write the opposite. Continue to notice what you find attractive and desirable in a mate.

When you create that energy within you it becomes a magnet and attracts that similar vibration to you. Tweet this.


“Be the love you wish to attract.” Tweet this.

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