Bringing Light to the Dark Within

This New Moon and Solar Eclipse energy is supporting all of us in bringing light to what lingers in the dark.

Here is what the energy is doing FOR US…

As the veil to our subconscious mind thins, we are seeing and realizing not only the limiting beliefs we carry but, also painful experiences from the past we went through. ⁣

Things that have happened to us. ⁣

Things we’ve done. ⁣

Things people have done to us. ⁣

Things we have done to survive. ⁣

It is uncomfortable. But, necessary to come up for release out of our system and energy fields. ⁣

Be aware to not get caught up in the story or events. ⁣

Be witness. ⁣

Breathe and connect with your heart. ⁣

Recall back the aspects of self that have splintered off and have been holding these events. ⁣

Unconditional Love is the medicine. ⁣

See or feel these aspects of self then breathe them back home into the heart space. ⁣

When we meet ourselves with compassion, love, and understanding, we will not re-traumatize or trigger ourselves by what we see. ⁣

Let it come up. ⁣

Through it more of the divine, superhuman we are rises up and integrates.⁣

Much love to all of us in it and going through it right now and anytime.

If you would like support and energy medicine tools to move through these changes being presented to you, a new six-week private mentorship launches on December 4th.


A six-week sacred journey of liberating your heart, art, message, magic from within.

Life is an ever-evolving journey.

This Liberation course lays out the steps and provides processes for what happens through the evolution and liberation of that inner voice within and to allow your Soul’s integration and expression.

You will learn how to move through what rises up in support of your evolution and growth using new-age tools such as –
Energy Medicine,
Emotional Freedom,
Shadow Work, and
Consciousness Creation.

You will have tools and techniques for working with your own –
energy field,
dissolving hidden limiting beliefs,
resolving unresolved trauma that keeps you ‘safe’, and flying under the radar.

Your past has been your initiation. It is time for your LIBERATION.

Details and to apply are here.