Mindset and Relationships – You are the Creator

Below I share a personal experience about Relationships, Manifesting and Empowerment. But, first I want to give you some background on what the Current Energies are.

{and I posted another angle to the energies on my page last night – check it. Can you see how it’s playing out for you?}

In the coming days – if not already – you’re going to see your patterns, beliefs and wounds from your past relationships pop up in your current exchanges (not only romantic).

Some examples of your:


– boundaries

– worthiness

– truest desires


– fears…

When you become uncomfortable, the tendency is to try and fix the other person or have expectations of how the other (s) should behave.

Have something outside you change so you can feel better inside….??? Nope!  That keeps you stuck in the subconscious cycles and limiting patterns you are very much trying to break.

What is realllllly going on, in this uncomfortable exchange, is the other person is mirroring back to you something you have within you that you are believing or holding onto and it doesn’t serve who you really are and what you really want.

{read that again}

Your SOUL knows. That is how these exchanges are brought into your life.

The healing and shift in relationships happens within YOU first then the experience shifts.

For me, there was this one particular, profound quantum leap, complete shift in my experience  that proved all I now teach about mindset, energy, manifesting, empowerment, etc.

I had a “story” running through my mind about a relationship I was in. Alllll the things wrong. It is where my mind continually focused – all the wrongness. Creating a precise order to make manifest.

And it did – the way things were playing out were awful.

Until…. I decided to tell a new story.

In this new story, I allowed myself to fantasize about what I REALLY wanted. To imagine, vision, feel my hearts desires.

Because, under the surface – and what was manifest in the relationship – was about me having buried beliefs about what having what I want, love, need, desire… meant.

Fuck! Right? Trying sooooo hard to make things work and then realize I was in the way the entire time. Ahhhh… Ugggh! But, this is how we discover ourselves. #radicalselflove

I discovered I had beliefs along the lines of not deserving, unworthy, unlovable, ashamed for wanting, afraid if I allowed myself to have it then it would go away… And maybe a few other things.

Can you relate?

So, this one day I went into a meditation and let all my inner walls down. I allowed myself feel my desires, to imagine what the ideal exchange would be like, how it would feel to allow all I wanted to feel ….  #unfuckyourmind

And that very day!!, he came home and the scene I had visualized, felt and allowed myself to experience through my whole BEing, played out.

It was one of those mind blowing, alchemical, complete 180 before my eyes manifestations that reminded me of my power and showed me how to create shifts in my life.

It is important to be clear (especially with what this current energy is kicking up) – This had nothing to do with me changing him or having an expectation of his behavior.

It was about Me. My inner story, beliefs and fears. Once cleared and shifted then aligning my vibration, I was able to allow the experience I reallllly wanted.

So, as these experiences and opportunities for healing and growth appear FOR YOU, go inside yourself and ask …

• what is this showing me about me?

• what need do I have that I’m projecting in the other and angry for not fulfilling?

• what do I really want?

• if this “static” was not here, what could really be possible?

You know the saying ….“It’s not you, it’s me.”

You have been calling out for MORE. Life is presenting it to you – Likely not in the way you’d expect.  No one said this would be easy. But, if you’re here, you’ve got this!

* What you see is up to you.

* What you do is up to you.

By the way Love, you cannot get it wrong.

Fiercely CLAIM what you desire and how you want to feel and watch the world match you.


Kelly Ann