Fear, Excitement, Change, Energy Alchemy

You are the Medicine & The Alchemist

The energy of Excitement and Fear… They have the same or similar physical sensations.  It is really just energy.  Your experience is about what your mind does with the information your body and subconscious are providing through the sensations in your body. 

Last night, as I laid in bed, I was feeling tremendous amounts of energy moving through my chest and heart space.  The thoughts that ran through my mind connected to ‘excitement’ and it started to tie into and connect with the thoughts and excitement I have about all the new information coming through and the different ways my work is impacting those that come across my path. 

It felt like my heart might leap out of my chest.  

I didn’t stop the feelings or try to control it.  I allowed and observed.  The human condition isn’t used to these high vibrations and the nervous system goes into a response – it turns things on in your mind to try and make connections.  

You don’t want to do stop or push down what is happening.  All the energy moving through is also clearing and in support of increasing your vibration.  

Then, at 3:30 am I woke from a bad dream.  In the drea,m I was at my event (the in person one I am organizing in CT) and everyone was there but, I had forgotten to pick up my friend who is co-facilitating with me!  She had landed hours prior at an airport in NY.  So, it would be even more hours before I could get to her and back to CT.  hahahaha the panic I was feeling! 

My point – the energy that was moving through my body at 3:30 am was the same feeling and sensation I had before I went to bed.  My mind was processing the energy differently.  It is all good and fine.  Just part of my subconscious clearing through an inner fear, block or limitation as I take my work to the next level – Just as each of you are being guided to be more expressive, authentic, claim your art, be your fullest self, allow energy and consciousness to move through you. 

This morning I didn’t stop the feelings.  It is the energy releasing was holding in any kind of fear, limitation or block to the expansion I am moving through.

I get it! It can feel scary to feel this level of sensation.  If you’re ever in a space where you feel you need medical attention, do so.  

I share this information and my experience to invite you to open your mind and perhaps even shift the pattern your thoughts might go to when energy and sensations are moving through your body.

In your awareness and conscious attention to your body and mind, you are empowered to stop and shift habitual patterns that keep you in a loop of fear (and all that is under the fear umbrella).

As we approach this last eclipse of the season – Saturday, August 11th – your subconscious is likely working to clear things out.  You might even be seeing the opportunities for clearing, releasing and healing manifest in your life experiences.

In this video, I share about changes, how life presents the opportunities for change, the phases of change when you resist, the levels that occur to create lasting change, what it takes to make the leap for yourself.

Change is upon you.  You are being guided to clear out and truly claim for yourself what you really want for your life.  Without desire, without choosing for yourself, without asking – life is more a default versus being the intentional, powerful, co-creator of your reality.

The last thing I’ll leave you with is, inside the “You are the Medicine” group, there are incredible people making life path changes for themselves and their lives.  They are stepping up, deciding, choosing more and better for themselves.  And with that, their underlying fears are rising, their buried beliefs are becoming more clear, the limiting blocks to their success and happiness are popping up.  

As it all happens, I read their energy and provide the Soul guidance for each individual and share the steps they need to take to clear what is there and keep their vibration high and forward movement happening.  

Your soul is guiding you.  If life is challenging, you may be resisting the changes you’re being guided to.  How much longer are you going to put off what is meant for you and your journey?

As a part of the monthly membership group, I channel a message of consciousness for the members inside the group as well as insight on collective consciousness and energy we are all moving through.  

It is like “here is a new tool you’re being given and how to use it for your highest capacity” and a ‘heads up’ to what is up and what you can do with it all – for yourself.  

Many times I am crying with joy at what the members are creating from their changes.  I am humbled to be a witness as they leap courageously and do what they need to do to break the patterns and cycles keeping them stagnant.  

Allow your consciousness to clear. 

Decide and choose what you want for yourself. 

Ask for what you need.

Then surrender and trust how life and your Soul will co-create your experiences to align you with what you’re ready for.


Kelly Ann


P.S. Inside the group yesterday I did a phenomenal energy transmission that had us all floating for hours.  I recorded it but, the website where I collect the recording is down.  I will be recreating that.

So, there is still time to join and gain access to the transmission and be a part of this months theme.  You can invest and join through this link.

P.P.S. High-level level details of the group

  • Two LIVE transmissions – monthly themes (think 4 week courses) ($111)
  • Individual Energy Readings and 
  • Intuitive Soul Guidance in the group ($240)  (you should see what is happening with everyone!)

Total value – $351

Your investment $150