Who are YOU to be happy, wealthy, fit, in love, free…living the life you desire?

🤯 It’s not that you aren’t deserving or worthy of the relationship, money, business, life you want… it’s the unfounded guilt about being happier than those around you – parents, family, friends…
🤯 It’s not that you’re afraid to share your message, healing or art… it is the unfounded guilt about the life you’ll create and have by showing up and sharing who you are.
🤯 It’s not that you need another process, modality, or blueprint… it’s unfounded guilt about allowing life to be easy by using your Wild Genius and Natural Gifts that come easy to you.
Your Purpose is about what matters to you. There isn’t anything you need to or should do other than be you.
🌈 Naturally being you has a ripple effect on those who cross your path.
There is a journey within you that is available to unfold – with ease.
Yet, the human – along with programming and conditioning – has gotten in the way.
The human parts that you can allow to fall away and let your life be about experiencing your Soul, Heart, Essence.
It’s the human parts that got caught up in things outside yourself and making them matter more than what you think, truly desire, and feel.
💣 Buying into unfounded guilt is taking responsibility for how another feels.
It’s not just the guilt… It is what’s under the guilt and what holds it all in place.
And you operating your life and making choices from that space.
You believe you’re not moving forward in life, love, money, business because you don’t know enough, aren’t worthy, don’t deserve…
All false and stemming from unfounded guilt.
You can change your mind about guilt. But, if your circumstances don’t change, there is something under the guilt keeping you from allowing yourself what you desire.
It’s a mindfuck. 🙊
You can be doing all the things and be going nowhere. 🌪
I see you show up and try so hard to share who you are and get engagement.
It all feels hard because there is an inner battle that’s actually keeping you from having what you’re trying to hard to accomplish.
It doesn’t matter if it’s love, money, business, health you desire…
💥 If you have subconscious, underlying agreements UNDER unfounded guilt, you’re going to keep spinning in circles – going nowhere.
💥 You can do all the things but, if the reality of having it is opposed to your inner agreements, nothing is going to come to fruition.
➡️ If your comfort zone is no longer comfortable and you’re done spinning in circles and being stuck in patterns, let’s pluck the core out of what’s keeping you locked in.
Embodied Mastery.
You and I together for 6 weeks where I’ll identify the core belief and attachment preventing you from the forward momentum, flow and soul living you know is possible but, can’t seem to lock into.
With the cog in the wheel cleared, it is all about your creation.
Your purpose flows through, creativity expands, confidence exudes, motivation and inspiration set free.
In this work, incomes have tripled 💸💰💵, dreams implemented 🎨, ideas birthed, opportunities manifested ❤️…
It’s like taking the boulder out of the way and allowing the river to flow through.
🌊 What life is ready to flow through you?
Message me to apply or ask your question. There are six spots currently available. We start Friday, 9/13 (3 days!).
There is also a sacred retreat option – with the course or on its own. The retreat is in CT 9/20-9/22.
Details in this link.
With the programming and conditioning cleared out of the way, who is the YOU underneath it all?
What matters most to YOU?
That’s your Purpose. ⬆️