Many years ago, I was with my energy healer and she said to me “I believe we have many soulmates in our lifetime”.
I remember that one statement blasting my mind open – ‘I could have more than 1 soulmate in my life??’
In that instant, I let go of the belief I fucked up my engagement, lost my only chance, and released the fear story of never finding my “one”.
I suddenly had a world of possibilities in front of me. 
I had been freed of limitations I didn’t even know were limiting me – spiritually, energetically, emotionally.
This goes for all kinds of relationships…
Every time I let myself move beyond a relationship that is not serving me, my energy is freed up to become a vibrational match to where my trajectory is headed.
I know not everyone is headed or even interested in the life I enjoy exploring and experiencing. What I know – more and more vibrational matches become a part of my experiences as I let go of what isn’t a match.
Life begins to feel like one big playground experience.
Sure, there are the growth spurts. You learn how to ride the ride and flow with the growth.
The growth is all you have asked for making its way in and life asking you to step into it.
Life simply requires you to become who you say you want to be.
Take a look at your relationships…
– Are you showing up as a match to who you say you are?
– Are you settling for less than what you deserve?
– Are you forcing anything in order to not be alone?
– Are you dimming your light to not outshine or trigger them?
– Are you holding back so you don’t move beyond the other?
I know you’re afraid –
– to take a leap and not know what is on the other side or if it will work out.
– to want to stand up and be fully you but, afraid you’ll be kicked out of the tribe.
Beyond the fear, it is all even better than you could possibly imagine.
It’s even possible inside your current relationship. Because…
All your relationships are what they are because it is what you’re allowing them to be.
It’s time to get real with yourself.
Because what is happening in your relationships, is happening in other areas of your life on some level.
Settling, forcing, dimming your shine… not good for relationships, career, money… Do you see how it is mirroring back to you?
Don’t forget to look at the relationship with yourself.
You deserve more and better.
It is ready, waiting and available to you.
What hidden limitations are holding you back?
Kelly Ann
P.S. Rebel Rebirth is open for registration. Five week group submersion, clearing, releasing, upleveling, and stepping into the authentic expression of you and the life you were born for.
No more settling… In any area of your life.
You came here to do it all different. It begins with you.