Is underlying shame limiting you?

Have you noticed SHAME and GUILT popping up in your life and feelings?
Why? Because both paradigms are dissolving.

Do you realize shame is one of the biggest blocks and barriers to creating and allowing the life and experiences your heart desires?

Fucking shame. I’m blasting it out. 
Every thought, feeling, emotion carries energy. Shame is a heavy energy.
When we hold back and hide a part of ourselves (shame), we are also holding back other parts of ourselves (happiness, peace, joy, pleasure, creativity…).
The heavy energy of shame slows the natural flow we’re meant to be in. It can be immobilizing.
Shame is just mindfuckery, made up stories.
Shame is sometimes passed down and projected upon us by others – and being the ‘good little girl and boys’ we were, we took other other peoples crap. 
Here’s the deal… The only thing holding you back with shame is you.
AND, I totally get shame is not easy to just drop. There is a web and layers and even walls built up around this shame to keep it from being seen by anyone else.
But, it is destructive and too much to hold onto or keep hidden.
How do you know? Life isn’t working the way you deeply know it can be.
Shame is limiting. Shame is mind control meant to keep you small. 
Please know –
* You are not your thoughts!
* You are not what happened to you.
* You are not what you did.
* That stuff you’re carrying may not even be yours.
How do you begin to let go of shame? 
– Witness the thoughts you are thinking – what have you made up about yourself and/or the experiences?
– Look at how you’re limiting yourself, what you’re afraid of and see where that comes from.
– Stick to the facts of what happened that made you feel this way.
– Ask yourself “is this mine?” (no? throw that shit back!)
Truthfully, it can be hard to discover and understand on your own because of the web, layers, and walls.
There is a large part that fights to keep shame hidden.  But, it is also hiding you from life.
In my work and all my training, I have witnessed and held space for peoples hardest stuff, darkest feelings, and most traumatic experiences. Nothing shakes me. I am so focused on the truth of who you are and the liberation beyond letting shame go, that the story around it is mute compared to what is possible. 
Holding onto shame can be detrimental to all areas of your life. Because we are energetic beings and like a circuit or signal, if there is a kink in one area it is going to throw off the entire circuit.

Holding shame is detrimental to your ability to allow LOVE, MONEY, HEALTH, CAREER…

When you are free from the rapture of shame, you have an openness to all possibilities, energy is expanded, creativity flows, others are drawn to you…
I’d be honored to hold space and guide you in shifting the shame and heavier energies holding you back.
If you’re ready to be free, explore session and mentorship options here.