What is happening?
Energetic Upgrades
You are:
- Expanding consciousness
- Allowing more of your true self through
- You’re tired of hiding out, playing small, pretending
Those who are feeling this here and now are an integral piece of the collective expansion.
You feel it inside, you can’t hold it back
When you do hold back, you suffer, feel pain.

For too long, a large piece of our essence has been split off outside of you. It is time to RECLAIM it!
As the upgrade comes through, you are integrating grander parts of yourself.
The parts splintered off and that you gave away.
Pulling these pieces back feels like installing a V8 Engine into a matchbox.
Your body feels the higher vibration coming in and it begins to adjust.
Your mind doesn’t know what is going on (I’m telling you now) and it starts to freak out
– anxiety
– overwhelm
– fear
When you don’t know what to do with the energy:
* you numb
* avoid
* distract
* find the nearest comfort
* You try to expel it – pick fights, create drama, create chaos
I am not saying anyway you handle what you are feeling is ‘wrong’. Yet! this energy is here FOR you and can be used to empower, uplevel, and expand yourself and your life.
The best way to integrate these energies:
- Breathe – this lets your body know you’re not in fight/flight/survival mode
- Do not create stories about what is happening.
- You may need stillness or activity or both – listen to your body.
- Do not react, allow.
You’ve been asking for more – Your operating system needs the program and resources to make it happen.
The other piece to this – all that is not aligned with the higher vibration and energy download will also rise to the surface.
* past pains
* fears
* buried beliefs
* insecurities
* self doubt
All that rises needs to be dealt with or you’ll bring yourself right back to your comfort zone (which really isn’t so comfortable any more).
You know it – You are meant for more. Growth is part of the process. Suffering doesn’t have to be.
Does this help? Drop a comment or write me a note or lets connect socially.