Your ego is a liar

Your ego is a pretty little liar. Is it about time you fired that bitch and all her little Princesses too?

Their lies and seduction are sabotaging your success and your ability to move forward and carry on as you’ve been guided to.

They are overriding your intuition – the very thing connected to your deepest TRUTH and highest guidance bringing you toward alignment with work you say you are here to do.

You don’t see it because these lying bitches hide out in your subconscious until…

You are about to take a leap outside your comfort zone.

The gang of princesses appear outta nowhere like mean girls from high school telling you why you can’t, don’t know enough and aren’t cool enough.

The trouble is…You listen to them and don’t see it for what it really is.

Their sparkly logic and conniving common sense are speaking for the shadow and fearful parts of your personality – doing exactly what they were created to do… Keep you in place, limited, and in your comfort zone.


Their “logic” (ie limitations) sound like…
– you made a mistake; turn back now!
– you don’t know enough.
– you don’t have the money.
– your website sucks.
– you don’t know what to charge.
– it won’t work out.
– it’s mercury retrograde.
– you have to do this, that and the other thing before you can put yourself out there.

The Princesses guide you to make desperate choices from triggered fear. Usually to stand still, take cover, play safe.

Their job is their survival.

Anything you do that may threaten their survival will put them in defense mode.

The stories and excuses pop in when you –
– look into the taking the course you’ve been looking at,
– go to reach out to the coach, healer or mentor you’ve been following,
– are about to sit down and write down your course ideas or launch the blog,
– are about to let go of the steady income gig and do your thing full time,

The “reasons” to not follow through on the guidance and take the leap in front of you all seem realistic.

So, you put off making the investment in support, slack on your commitment to take the leap and transition, don’t launch the course or organize your event.

Phew! Your pretty little ego and the broke ass lying princesses won!

Until… What you’ve been calling into your life appears AGAIN and the cycle starts all over – you allow your pretty little ego and the Princesses to negotiate away what you’ve been wanting, visioning and dreaming of.

Can you see for yourself how powerful you are?

You pull in, manifest and attract the opportunities you want but then your pretty little lying ego and her gang of princesses take over and sabotage it.

Are you ready to be back in charge? To break the cycle of sabotage? Are you ready to take your power back from your fears, ego, and shadow?


Six weeks of 1:1 with yours truly. I’ll identify the liars running your choices and clear the energetic and emotional patterns holding the cycles in place.

You’ll gain clarity and confidence about your next steps and what you’re really here to be doing and sharing with the world (because these liars likely have you playing safe in your message and business).

You’ll tap more deeply into your truth, power, and magic and feel confident in expressing yourself.

This is for the Sensitive Leaders and Empathic Entrepreneurs who are here to have a ripple effect through your essence, message, and art.

Details and to apply here:

Due to the level of energy, guidance and support this course offers, there are only 5 spaces left. And, in the next round of this offering, the investment will increase.

Apply now. Let’s get these bitches outta here and you back into power.