How do you feel about dandelions? It was interesting to see both sides of the spectrum of a dandelions life in one day.
One Spring afternoon I was hiking up one of my favorite mountains and came across a father and son. The father smiled at me as he held a handful of dandelions the son had been hunting around the trails picking. The son was really proud finding them and handing them over to his dad. Perhaps this hand picked bouquet was for his mom. Ahh… the little gifts.
Then on my way home I saw a diligent home owner spraying chemicals on each and every one of these bright flowers (or what he considered weeds) on his lawn. Attempting to kill every one of them – even moving into the open field next to his property to be sure they didn’t attempt to spread over.
This reminded me of how beauty is in the eye of the beholder. How much beauty do you see in your world?
I imagine for some accepting a dandelion as a flower and not a weed is challenging. But how about in yourself? Do you see all the flowers or all the weeds?
What I want you to know is you are loved for who you are. See your beauty and see the beauty in others. Begin with yourself and that love will emanate for others to see as they see their own beauty in you and you see your beauty in them.
Spread Love like wildflowers!