How to raise your love vibration

I’ve seen it in my healing practice – hearts closed off due to past pains. You think by closing off your heart you’re safe from pain, but that closes off your heart from allowing Love to come in.

You’re meant to feel love. And not in just the romantic sense – in all areas of life. You cannot close off your heart from one emotion and expect to be open to others. Make sense?

Here is a brief yet powerful exercise to help open your heart and raise your love energy vibration.
Sit in a comfortable place (once you learn to do this, you can do it anywhere)
Take a few deep breathes in and out feeling yourself connected and grounded in the space you’re in
Now put your attention on your heart area (the center of your chest)
Imagine with each inhale your heart area is expanding open
With each exhale imagine letting go of anything that no longer serves you (you don’t need to know what it is)
Now bring to mind something you love and that loves you (a niece, nephew, pet, grandmother, etc. – either here or deceased)
Connect your heart to that love – can you feel it, see it?
Imagine that love growing bigger and bigger expanding outside of your body, all around it and into the room you are in
Keep breathing and keep your attention on your heart area
Feel the love going out and coming back to you
After you’ve expanded that energy in and around you send it out into the world and imagine it going beyond where you can see
When you feel complete, take a few breathes, bask in that energy, allow your eyes to flutter open and see what begins to shift

You can’t do this wrong. When you set your intention to open your heart, connect with more love and expand it and ta da! it is so!

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