Embracing your shadow

Your shadow is the side of you that you deny; also called the “dark side”. It is the parts of your personality, your thoughts you hope no one will ever know about or see because if they did, they would reject you. But in fact, you’re already rejecting this part of you.

Because you cannot hide the dark without hiding some of your light, I encourage you to embrace all of what you find yourself denying.
We deny parts of ourselves we think others will judge or reject us for. When you embrace all of who you are, you will stop attracting others who mirror your own rejections of you.

Embrace all of you and you will start attracting those who embrace all of you too.

Your dark side serves you. If you own your own business, are a parent, or even simply being a consumer. You know those times when having to be assertive (or a bitch) is necessary to receive what you paid or worked for, when you need work done on time according to contract, or have to stand up to school authorities to protect your child. Can you see how it serves you?

It is about your intention.

Don’t hide your light either!

How does denying your light side play out? I had had a client who was an amazing Business Coach, but she hid her spiritual, intuitive side from her potential romantic partners because she was afraid they wouldn’t accept or understand her. Another client, who is in Corporate Human Services, would hide her creative side afraid to be judged in her ways of bringing people together through creative arts.

After working with both of them the Business Coach started attracting men who were VERY interested in her work. And the creative HR client was presented with a job opportunity that is so much more of a fit for her!

These are gifts they were born with and the world needs them. Why embrace your light and dark? Because the law of attraction says you will attract the same vibration you are holding.

I guarantee when you embrace your dark side and it will no longer have so much power of you anymore. When you embrace your light side, you’ll attract more of that into your life.

Lastly, a line from a Marianne Williamson quote: “As we let our own Light shine, we consciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our Fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

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