The cusp of change

You know you’re on the cusp of change, about to take a leap because life has been presenting you with “tests”, triggers, and tribulations.

It manifests in the form of chaos, disruption, discord with others, a wake up call, a big decision to make.

You can feel and have felt something just on the other side. You’re on the edge of it and just need that click, the adjustment, the missing.

But, then your doubt creeps up, fear takes over, you go into panic mode, emotions elevate…

You’re searching for the solution, trying to figure out the “how”, grasping to control the outcome.

There is an easier way.

All of the above is a response to your nervous system kicking off and triggering Core Beliefs ready for their update.

But when you get caught up in the outer circumstances manifesting, you distract yourself from the leap you’re being guided to take.

When you take it for what it is and use the energy for your use, quantum leaps are immediately available.

It just doesn’t have to be hard. The hardest part is getting out of your own way to show up for the YOU who is ready to come through.

This process typically runs automatically for me. Alchemizing the circumstances and core beliefs into energy for my upgrades.

I’m on the cusp, the edge, upgrade commencing. Today I was led to go fully and deeply in with the process. I was reminded the power and ease of working with energy and consciousness at this level.

I feel like I’m glowing and deliciously in love. It’s like I unlocked the secret door.

What is on the other side of your secret door? Magic, gifts, talents within?

You’ve been programmed to believe you are guilty for what is natural for you to be easy.

No longer.

Time for an upgrade.

Rebel Rebirth begins 2/5/19.

I will bring you through this exact process that has supported myself and clients in alchemizing core beliefs that prevent the leap you’re truly ready for.

You’re here to do things different. Let’s clear out all that’s holding you back from what you’re here for.