Don’t let this stop you from being your fullest, most authentic expression of who you truly are.

Are you afraid to trigger and piss people off?

If so, you –

  • hold yourself back

    click pic for video
  • don’t take that next step you know you want to take
  • do not follow through
  • keep yourself from shining as your authentic self
  • prevent yourself from being too happy, rich, thin, expressive
  • self sabotage what you know is in your best interest

You’re afraid –

  • people wont like you
  • you’ll be alone
  • dismissed
  • made fun of
  • rejected

The fear of triggering and pissing off people is two fold.
1. It is about them seeing something within you they cannot embrace within themselves.

You have or express something they are not allowing themselves to have or experience.  It doesn’t feel good for them because deeply they know they can have that but, are denying it themselves.  So, they project onto you.

When you show up, you are like kryptonite.  Threatening the things they hold in place to remain small, as a victim, a martyr…

It is not about you – it is about them.

2. You still have beliefs around not being enough, too much, not worthy, not safe, etc.

The experiences with those you trigger and trigger you are a reflection of something going on within you.  A belief, fear, trauma not yet resolved.

Once this is integrated and healed within you, you stop attracting these experiences.



What happens next is you become distracted with the “drama” created from the experience.  Perhaps looking outside yourself to resolve what is unfolding.  You want to be liked, belong, be a part of, allow your deserving….

Your energy starts going toward all of this and distracted from your purpose, vision, happiness, wants, desires, goals…

It takes you away from fully embracing you, being the fullest expression, and experiencing what you truly want to be.

When you are not the fullest expression of you – it hurts YOU and everyone in your circle.  Your soul circle.

The people who get triggered and pissed off at you are also a part of your circle but, it a way to make you grow. NOT to hand over your power to the discordant exchange.

You cannot change anyone.  You can only change yourself and how you respond to others.

The treasure is in the trigger – An opportunity for growth and expansion.

So, if this happens with you and you are ready to embrace the opportunity being presented, here is a few steps to guide you to breaking through (be sure to watch the coordinating video too):

  1. Be present to what you are feeling
  2. Write out all your feelings
  3. Take a look at the feelings that stand out most for you
  4. Explore the patterns and cycles you’ve had with this / these feelings
  5. Seek within the belief you hold that is creating the feelings

Living your fullest, most authentic self is liberating and empowering.  Life becomes more peaceful, you find yourself in the flow, things come to you easily, the ‘right’ experiences and people naturally find their way to you.

What you want and desire is beyond your inner limitations.

Are you ready to fully claim it?

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