When you decided to start your business, did you also decide you would spend all your time working? Do you believe in order to succeed, it has to be hard?
Is there a voice in your ear whispering “who are you to have it easy?”
YOU are. Because you chose to.
Everything that is happening comes from a choice. Those choices come from beliefs – yours or other’s beliefs you’ve picked up along the way.
I know for me I was holding myself back in my business because I witnessed the generations before me work, work, work – affecting their emotional and physical well-being.
When I paused and evaluated what was happening in my life, under the surface I discovered a script running –
“WHO AM I to use my intuition, psychic senses, and energy work to support and guide others beyond their limiting beliefs and into their gifts, talents, and genius? Who am I to let it be EASY?”
And, so I made it hard for myself. Until I flipped the script.
If I were to take a guess – you went into business for yourself because you have something precious, unique (because you are) and, powerful to share with the world.
You also value stuff like freedom, happiness, connection.
And, in all the ‘doing’ you’ve come off your center and you’re feeling frustrated, overworked, anxious, overwhelmed, resentful…
Listen, you’ve got magic in you.
You have something unique to offer the world.
You are the precise One to be the expression of gifts to come through you.
Who you are – your gifts, talents, genius, and essence has an impact on others.
You’ve been crafting your skill. You were born with what comes easy and natural to you.
Are you ready to stop making it harder on yourself?
Maybe it’s been this lifetime, maybe it’s from past lifetimes but, it is NOW that you have the opportunity to choose for yourself.
- To release the beliefs and fears keeping you from really enjoying this life you’re creating.
- To transmute the energy blocks from allowing what you desire to experience – in work and life.
It is possible to have a business AND life you love.
What is easy for you, is very likely impossible for another. Stop diminishing your gifts.
I know it is easy to be out in the world (and online) and get caught up in how others think a business should run, what qualifies as ‘successful’, the push to keep doing more and more, and to get swirled up in the energies and mindset of those around you.
But, you are a Pioneer. You are here to do it differently and use what comes easy and natural for you.
If any of this resonated with you, don’t wait until next year or next month to reevaluate your foundation. Start now – this moment. What are your values? What was your motivation and inspiration to open your business?
Take a look at what is happening in your business and life – what beliefs support what you see? Are there other beliefs you’d rather choose to build upon?
Maybe you’ve got beliefs operating under the surface you can’t see for yourself.
This is where my genius comes in – seeing the energy and beliefs blocking empaths and sensitives from allowing the life and business they say they want in.
Oh, and that is the other way I see entrepreneurs make it hard on themselves – they make the process of allowing and creating change more ‘work’ for themselves.
There is also a collective belief that change is hard, long, and arduous. It is not necessary and a waste of your precious energy.
Change does not have to be hard or take a long time.
You simply have to choose.
I invite you to choose for yourself, your life, your business, your energy, and come inside a container with me to –
- clear the mind clutter (#unfuckyourmind),
- get back in touch with what is important to you,
- drop into your magic and what comes easy and natural,
- become the energy alchemist of your experiences.

Happy, Healthy, & Hot is a vibe thing.
SLEIGH the Holidays & Beyond
For Highly Sensitive People & Empathic Entrepreneurs who want to…
Keep Your Vibe High, Maintain the Magic You’ve Created, & Let More Good In
… through year-end and into the next decade
If your vibe is tuned into stress, overwhelm, lack, fear, energy will meet you there and bring that to you.
Imagine (and feel into) emanating the energy of Happy, Healthy & Hot. What would it be like to attract more of that into your life?
Maybe it’s joy, inner peace, faith…
Whatever it is for you, I have fast, efficient ways of guiding you back to you and what is really important. As well as supporting you in owning the magic you exude and embodying the inner gifts you are here to share.
Inside this container, you will:
- flip the scripts on the stories of how you should run your business,
- clear the energy and beliefs that have taken you off your course,
- become a clear channel for what you desire to magnetize in the next decade – fearlessly,
- leave behind stories of fear, lack, limitation
- clear your heart and energy field of lingering residue clouding up your clarity of what you want to allow,
- create or deepen your connection to your High Heart,
- practice exploring your gifts, talents, and genius and using energy to be the alchemist of your own experiences…
Who is the YOU you want to be going into the next decade?
Inside this course, you’ll receive:
: 3 Energetic Transmissions (this is how easy change can happen – my voice is a transmission of change)
:: 1 remote group Breakthrough Activation (energy work session – Channel your High Heart)
:: Channeled downloads, prompts, and guidance to support you in dismantling the inner beliefs, transmuting the energetic blocks, and bringing through your clarity, essence, and confidence.
:: A MONTH of access to ME in a private Facebook community where you can ask all your questions, get support and feedback on maintaining your forward momentum, emotional freedom, heart opening, and high frequency and vibration.
We start 12/1/2019 and the group will be open until 1/1/2020.
There are three options for your enrollment –
Dog Sled Toboggan – entry into the 21-day group course held inside a private online FB group.
- Your investment $333
Reindeer Sleigh – Group course, PLUS
- personalized Breakthrough Activation ($175 value),
- 3 days private support via Voxer ($25)
- Total value $533
Your investment – $497
Horse Drawn Chariot – Group course ($333) PLUS
- personalized Breakthrough Activation ($175 value)
- 3 days private support via Voxer ($25)
- 30 minute 1:1 session ($175)
- Total value $708
Your investment – $647
When your enrollment of choice comes through, I’ll get you right into the group. All the information is there, waiting, and available to you.