Are you working hard but find you just can’t move forward in your life?
Do you have desires in your heart that you just can’t make happen?
Are you experiencing fear, anxiety or overwhelm for no particular reason?
Perhaps you are being held back by what I refer to as Past Pains.
As an Intuitive Healing Guide and I work with the Energetic Field. I help, those who are truly ready for transformation, get to the core of what’s holding them back from their best self. We go beyond the ego and protective mechanisms that may be in the way.
My intention in this video is to help you understand how to identify your Past Pains and liberate yourself. We are meant to have the lives our hearts desire – we are the only ones holding ourselves back.
Past Pains are different than buried beliefs or unconscious contracts and can be harder to identify because they become part of who we are, how we show up in the world, and how we see the world.
Difficult experiences or traumas in your childhood create an operating mechanism in your body and define how you move through life. Your ancestral line carries some of these operating mechanisms and affects family dynamics.
These Past Pains form a root system for how you manage and understand everything in your lives and a lens for how we see the world; Love, Money, Health, Career, Relationships.
If you remain unaware of the Past Pains, you may find yourself stuck no matter how hard you work towards your goals. Allowing those Past Pains to run your subconscious, you also keep yourself from owning and claiming the innate power you have to create the life you want.
Here are some examples of how these Past Pains may be showing up in your life.
- If your needs were not met as a child because of abuse or neglect, you may have formed an operating mechanism that won’t allow you to ever feel the pain of being denied your needs again, which can drastically affect your relationships.
- If you witnessed family fights, or bad things being done with money, you may have cut yourself off from ever having to face those struggles by not allowing money in your life.
- Your creativity may have been stunted at a young age because you were made fun of or made to feel vulnerable in front of the class.
The outer expression of these past pains will always limit you and may look like:
- A lack of confidence
- Never having enough money
- Bad relationships
- Playing small or hiding out
- Denying ourselves what we want
- Worrying about what other people think
You have the power to release these Past Pains and shift into a different experience.
Life is FOR you and you can step into more of what you WANT to experience. If your heart desires more, then more is possible for you!
The road can feel a bit bumpy because as you release your inner limitations, you attract similar experiences that will help you look closer at these Past Pains so you can release, dissolve or transmute them.
As you become more aware and open up to the presence of the Past Pains within you, the part of you that wants to protect you will start telling you stories. Do not believe these stories, but pay attention to them for clues about what is holding you back.
Your stories may tell you:
- You’re not good enough
- You’re not smart enough
- You have to lose more weight before you can realize your dreams
- You can’t do it because no one else has been able to do it
- You might be annihilated if you try and fail.
As you identify and transmute these Past Pains you will liberate yourself and experience a new freedom!
You will get in tune with your innate gifts and your power to co-create and manifest the life you want.
Synchronicities will start happening as your mind opens to new possibilities.
You will feel a lightness and openness in your body as you face no limitation.
You will find that so much more creativity and passion is available to us as you lock into your own purpose in life.
You are the designer and the director of your own life! Allow love into your life; allow money and abundance; allow your desires to become your truth.
It is possible because it is within you.