Trauma was your initiation. The past is done. Yet, you’re still in the battle. You’re carrying forth your biggest limitation rather than what was meant to build your strength.
Trauma was your initiation. It was not meant to be your lifestyle.
You walk around wearing a heavyweight championship belt with so much pride, you don’t realize the armor you still carry.
Armor around your heart.
Armed guards keeping people at bay.
Invisible defenses on the lookout for all potential risks.
All keeping you from what you say you want. Love, Money, Business…
You’re showing up wanting the fight more than you want your desires to be fulfilled.
You say you’ve gotten past your past but it’s written all over your life. Fight. Defend. Fight. Defend. All in the name of “success” and winning battles that reap no rewards.
You’re still fighting a fight that’s long been over. Carrying your past into your every day. Defensive energy exuding from your pores. Attracting experiences for you to carry on your fight or keep away the very thing your heart desires.
The trauma was your training ground for you to realize what you’re made of. Your initiation was to show you who you really are.
You were meant to walk away stronger and more skilled. To break free from the imposed limitations and mind fuck programming.
You were meant to remember the Divine creator you are.
What you can’t see beyond the armor and programming is the risk of letting down the armor is only there because you’ve entangled yourself up in the fight and trauma to remain “safe”. And, that stance attracts more of the same experiences.
You’re fighting against yourself. You are in your own way.
The fight / defense / safety keeps you from making the change, taking the leap, and opening your heart to experience more.
Defense, fight, battle, trauma energies are going to attract more of the same. This is a vibrational world. Like attracts like. What you put your attention on expands. It’s not magic, it’s science.
No failure, no person, no circumstance can hurt you unless you continue writing and speaking it into your life.
The limitations you are frustrated by are your creation.
Infinite energy is available for you to create as you design.
Are you creating what you really want to create?
You are powerful beyond measure. You’re creating it all.
Do YOU want to be liberated, free and successful?
Let your walls down. Release the armed guards. Take your power back from you past. Take the risks.
Now, that’s true strength.
Your desires are worth putting down the armor for. And you’ll feel much lighter, freer and empowered.