When life gets hard

This morning I asked consciousness “what do you want me to know – for myself or to share with others?” I heard “Social media is the highlight reel”.⁣

“No Duh”, I’m thinking, “No big news there”. So I carry on with my morning. ⁣

Then I open Instagram and see another reality TV person died by suicide. 40 years old. The 3rd in that series. ⁣

My heart broke a little. ⁣💔

You never know what’s happening with another. ⁣

So, make sure you are not comparing your life and how you’re feeling to someone else’s highlight reel. ⁣

And if you find yourself inside a loop of your own story, disrupt the pattern by reaching out to someone, moving your body, or breathing (it tells the nervous system you’re ok). ⁣

I know shit gets hard.⁣
It’s not who you are. ⁣
It’s guiding you to realizing and reclaiming.