The universe is responding to who you FEEL you are.

What we manifest and attract is aligned with our energetic vibration.
We can say we are amazing, wealthy, happy, free, a miracle yet, if our inner vibration is tapped into insecurity, fear, lack, not enough, less than then that is what our experiences will show up as.
It’s all about our energy. And these deeper beliefs about ourselves, that linger in our subconscious, are what need shifting.
These deeper beliefs were created as our protective mechanisms, to keep ourselves “safe”(ego). Yet! They are now keeping us from what we really want.
Moving through them can feel like we are about to be annihilated. But, the part that will die off is what is holding us back.
We have a choice… To keep all that in the dark OR look at what is happening and how our beliefs are aligned with what is no longer working for us.
It is a courageous path. Through the other side is all our hearts are longing for.