And just like that…

…the new website I was working on is gone.  (Sharing the lesson and bringing awareness about the energy you might encounter through the shifts happening now. And heads up of you try to hit up the site I shared a few days ago.)

For five weeks straight (through the holidays, long nights and weekends) I worked to create and birth the new website on the goal date of 1/2/2020.  I did it!

Then today, 1/5, the web person I was working with took it down.

Turns out they aren’t the professional they claim to be. (seems to be a theme lately)

Their wound got triggered and they let their emotions take over. (Another theme. Don’t get pulled into another’s drama).

The only thing they were available for was a fight and I wasn’t participating.

This was a perfect opportunity for them to change a deep pattern that has been getting in the way of their personal and professional relationships.

When I didn’t participate with their wounding, they kept fighting. (Be aware of the seduction)

✔️They unplugged my site from the host.
✔️The site no longer exists.
✔️I don’t have access to any of what I created. (borderline psychopath behavior – this paradigm is spinning out)

I own the domain but, they were hosting it. (don’t let someone else own your web hosting).

The beauty in all of it was support was right there for me once I became aware of all that was done.

The SuperHuman Squad in my Inner Circle helped with the technical bits, creativity to clean up the fragments, and energetic support to guide me through the breakthrough this presented FOR ME. 

In the meantime, is still up and running. Business as usual. 

There is no fight to win if they’re the only one fighting.

The real winner is the one walking away holding their integrity. 

Be the change.