Are you feeling ok? Have any emotions bubbling up? Is your body speaking to you?
As I tune into the collective energy I see many going through an experience I’d call an “adjustment“.
Kind of like going to a chiropractor. Some are pretty fierce; others are gentle but powerful.
A huge part of you feeling ready for the change and to be through with all this chaos, static, stuckness, lack of clarity, fear, emotions…
To align, you will need to move through and from where you are now and likely to a place you’ve never been. The scary unknown! ![](
Your mind going cray trying to figure things out.
Now is a time of your body’s integration with your soul.
With that, all the old fears, protection patterns, and smallness behaviors are rising to the surface.
This is the something old that must go to make room for the new.
This is all a part of the process. Do your best to not go back!
Comfort zone is not that cozy any more. Am I right?!
In this transition energy it may feel like a parasite is leaving or a baby’s birth that is lonnnng over due.
You feeling me?
The “parasite” being beliefs, patterns, memories, ego attachments, smallness.
The baby being your art, program, voice, expression, heart.
If there is discomfort it could be a part ready to go but, still holding on.
The depth of feeling could feel like grief / a death of something. Part of you might subconsciously hold on and keep what is happening from happening.
I’m here to remind you what’s shifting is something you are ready for.
These are the times to
– dig in,
– remember who you are,
– laser focus in your vision and desires,
– trust yourself,
– have faith in the process,
– surrender to how it unfolds.
Breathe too. Yeah. That’s important.
Does this resonate for you? How is it going for you?