Love is…Sharing YOU and your magnificence

Love is…sharing YOU. I’m suggesting sharing that love and light you have within you – that we all have within us. Extend yourself just a little. Sharing you doesn’t cost a thing. What you give you get back 100 times more. Something like: Share your humor – let your silly out Smile at a stranger,… Continue reading Love is…Sharing YOU and your magnificence

Change your thoughts, change your life

In my own personal journey of self-awareness I’ve become increasingly aware of the negative “news reel” going through my mind. It is every so quiet, but with attention to what is going on around me and what I’m feeling I’ve seen how powerful these quiet mantras can be. They are creating my reality! It is… Continue reading Change your thoughts, change your life

Relationship mirrors

Relationships are the largest, most intense vehicle to our personal growth. For instance, romantic relationships come together because each of you is giving off an energetic vibration that matches each other. What the other person has, you also have. In the beginning each of you is seeing the best in one another. You can not… Continue reading Relationship mirrors

This will NOT get you the love you’re looking for

Spending your precious time and energy trying to teach, show, prove your worth to others.  It is like sitting at a stop sign and waiting for it to turn green (I’ve done this in reality and metaphorically). It is not going to happen. Its up to you to to move through to get to where… Continue reading This will NOT get you the love you’re looking for

8 strategies to shift into happy

After spending many years overweight, depressed, in unsatisfying jobs, emotionally abusive relationships, and with thoughts that would not have me here today writing to you, I knew SOMETHING needed to change. It didn’t happen over night, but I knew how I was experiencing my life didn’t feel good. We all have choices. The choices we… Continue reading 8 strategies to shift into happy