Do you feel like giving up?

Have you been thinking about giving up and quitting your business? Has it felt heavy to share your message and art?

Is there more stress and overwhelm than you imagined for being a creative entrepreneur?

{When you’ve tried EVERYTHING and you still can’t seem to break through, be the fullest expression of you, and be paid for the transformation your gifts bring through to others}

It’s not that you don’t have all it takes. You do.

Actually, you have SO MUCH MORE within you that’s been untapped and hidden.

But, you thought what you were doing wasn’t working and you needed to learn some new thing.

You don’t need anything more or new.

You’ve veered off from your true north to learn another technique or gain another certification because you believed you weren’t enough.

You’ve been trying to do you through another’s blueprint and process but, you’re going against your own current.

It’s not that no one signed up for your course or workshop because you didn’t market it enough.

They didn’t come because they can’t see you behind the mask.

It’s not necessarily a scary or fraud mask.

It’s a mask of what you think you should do, what you actually do to fit in, and what you’re not doing to prevent waves or chaos from erupting.

The mask covering the full you.

Your full Wild Genius is natural and easy to you, but you don’t let it come through and be expressed because there is no certification for it or you feel too vulnerable to share this piece of you.

Are you masking your full Natural Gifts because you’re afraid if another questions you, you don’t have anything to back it up except your OWN KNOWING?

The mask is boring.

The people you want to reach are bored or can’t even see you.

It’s like you’re a 5 year old wearing your mother’s dress suit and bonnet. You’re cute but…

You’re frustrated and not getting very far.

You can’t hold up the charade and mask much longer.

Your business isn’t making money. Your creativity is fizzling out. Your insecurities and self doubt are rising. And you’re ready to quit. Again.

Not so fast.

The only thing you need to be quitting is how hard you’re trying and what you’re saying to yourself about it all.

Then unhook yourself from the mindfuckery you’re tangled up in and peel off the mask.

And come back to your true north and connect with your Wild Genius and Natural Gifts so they TRUST YOU to flow through freely.

You don’t need to learn something more.

It’s all within you ready to be shared and expressed YOUR WAY.

Maybe it’ll take kickin the ass of self doubt, tossing aside insecurities, setting fear aflame.

Perhaps it’s peeling away the masks of the “good girl, people pleaser” or plucking out the root of the ever so seductive “fraud complex”.

From there space is open to embody the badass you are and confidently show up unapologetically.

Because holding back and wearing masks is costing you too much.

If you know there is a fuller expression of you ready to come through and you’re ready to DO IT ALL YOUR WAY, let’s chat.

Rebel Rising is a six week one on one intensive where mindfuckery, habits and fear are kicked to the curb.

Your relationship with what is beyond the mask is deepened.

You’ll magnetize people to you because the mask you hid behind is no longer there.

Your Wild Genius is and Natural Gifts come to the surface.

Confidence emerges and creativity floods through.

You’ll boldly move forward and share your work, art, courses with soul aligned clients.

Nothing stops you because tapping into all that is you is waaaaay easier than trying to hide and hold back.

Are you ready to allow that Rebel, who wants to do it their way, to rise up and BE?

You and me, 30 min sessions for 6 weeks and voxer support through it all.

You’ll have clarity on what your message and Genius is.

You’ll have trust in yourself and feel safe in sharing your gifts.

You’ll hear and know the guidance that comes through for the next steps to keep you aligned and vibing with those your message and art is meant to impact.

All by BEING YOU. Your way, Rebel.

8 spaces. We start 8/8. Your investment 1997 with payment plans available. Message me and let’s be sure its a fit for what you’re ready for.