Have you been told, “You are too SENSITIVE!!”?

It is one of the top terms programmed to close down superpowers.

I was often told I was too sensitive. So much so I learned to close down EVERYTHING I felt in order to survive and fit in.

Closed down my heart, desires, passions… Even memories.

I was living a shell of a life… Making the motions but, knowing there was more… I was overweight, depressed, angry…

And now that I’ve done the inner work to bring everything back up and functioning at high capacity… I lost 100 pounds, I’m happy, anger isn’t my defensive mechanism…

With my sensitivities set free, it allows me to –

– see what isn’t seen with the eye,

– hear what’s not said,

– read energy and know patterns (of beliefs, fears, emotions),

– know where and why clients are stuck – emotionally, energetically, spiritually, physically,

– identify emotional and behavioral patterns preventing desired outcomes (love, health, success),

– work with immense and potent energies that bring forth transformation and change to those who are ready for it,

– remote view – I work with clients all over the world and can see and feel what is happening with them.

Are you feeling closed down? Stuck and you KNOW more is possible?

Imagine where you’re feeling closed down or stuck right now… Would having a superpower to blast through it be helpful?

What ripple effect on the world would you have by allowing all of yourself to be seen, felt, heard?

It is all inside you…