How is this energy treating you?

Are you feeling okay? Or eh?⁣⁣
I can feel the energy of change coming similarly to how a dog can hear thunder before the storm arrives. ⁣⁣
This storm we’re all living in now…I felt it coming. ⁣⁣
I felt it like Armageddon energy – big change and a lot of quiet – and I knew it wasn’t anything to be afraid of. ⁣⁣
Now here we are. ⁣Wow! Who coulda guessed it would be like this? ⁣⁣
That’s the thing… it’s not so much about the ‘how’ it manifests as it is about the ‘what’. ⁣

The ‘what’ that all this change is stirring up for you and the energy connected to it. ⁣

You are being catapulted into being the alchemist of your life. ⁣

Working with your own energy to create change. ⁣
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In recent weeks, clients I’ve worked with reached out to thank me for teaching them how to work with energy.⁣⁣
They thanked me for showing them how to be present with hard stuff and move through the change chaos energy brings. ⁣⁣
They were grateful to know how to be with the discomfort that rises up in times of rapid change. ⁣⁣
As a result of their knowing how to work with their energy as well as clear out their energetic and emotional clutter, amazing things have manifested in their lives. ⁣⁣
Things are great. But, what’s most useful now is to know how to work with everything being stirred up under the surface. ⁣⁣
Let the energy serve you. Do what is being asked of you. ⁣

How can you know your light without knowing your dark? ⁣

It’s not as scary as you might think.