3 signs your shadow kicked in

I got my ass kicked a bit. Each time, and I don’t know that it has to be this way, I’m about to take a quantum leap, anything limiting and everything not aligned with the next level me, comes up for clearing and transmuting.

Abandonment. Can you relate?

If so, you’ve:
• Been left,
• Had relationships you didn’t want to end comes to conclusion,
• Not had your needs met,
• Put in your all and the other just walks away,
• Not been seen for who you are, been rejected for being you,
• Not been included, invited, thought of,
• Still holding on to another because you’re afraid to feel alone…

Abandonment appears to be a part of what I’m here to transcend and transmute.

You see, when I found out a plan was in place and I wasn’t invited to participate, it was like Freddie Krueger’s knife fingers went into my heart and tore down through my entire torso.

For real. That’s how painful it felt.

Emotional wounds can feel as painful as pouring alcohol on an open physical cut. Would you agree?

When we have deep, core wounds, we develop shadow aspects to either protect, reject or project the wounds.

It is why so many avoid their shadow and wounds.

The wound being so painful, you don’t want to have to feel it EVER AGAIN.

That’s where your shadow kicks in.

Your shadow PROTECTS the wound by avoiding everyone and everything that would potentially trigger or poke your wound.

This manifests as isolation (not always a bad thing) and energetic walls around you keeping people out and, keeping you from doing things you want and being with people you want to be with.

You REJECT the wound by disregarding it’s existence. Ignoring the negative experiences in your life and bypassing the feelings you have.

This erupts in bursts of emotional expression – anger, anxiety, overwhelm, fear, depression… Physically manifesting in aches, pains, illness, etc.

You PROJECT the wound into the world and it mirrors back to you through life circumstances and your interactions in relationships.

The very thing you’re trying to avoid reflecting right back at you.

Initially, I attempted to try and convince the other person involved to understand my point of view about not being included.

Like a bull in a china shop.

Yeah, I didn’t handle it the best. My shadow kicked in and with all its armor and fighting gear at the forefront to protect the abandonment wound triggered by feeling left out of something I deemed important.

After reflection, I saw I had projected my story of abandonment onto the other so I could release the energy and story within.

The heavy energy. The limiting story.

I took at look at the truth of this old story…

—> Can I really be abandoned?

—> How do I abandon myself?

That’s a start to integrating your shadow.

The gift of integrating the shadow is what I’ve learned from all the abandonment experiences.
– discernment
– boundaries
– speaking my truth
– taking care of me
– self trust… and more.

The learnings may be different for you.

The point is integrating shadow is about –

: reclaiming all parts of you and coming into balance,
: transcending the limitations and embracing the empowerment your life experiences are bringing forth,
: detaching from the circumstances and going within and making adjustments,
: Diving into what you’re avoiding… because on the other side is the breakthrough.

Integrating your shadow holds the key to what you seek.

It’s not outside you, it’s within. And you are THAT clever and powerful.

Doors to You are the Medicine close tomorrow. Identify your shadow, integrate, and expand… what we’ll be doing over the course of the month.

Divine downloads and Soul channeled guidance for you to break your limited thinking and the patterns you continue to repeat.

Ready to be free? There are two 30 minute BONUS 1:1 calls with me left. Grab yours now.