Why they call it growing pains

You have what it takes within you.

There is a process to growth and expansion.  And, trust me, if there is a shortcut, faster route, cliff notes version… I will know it.  It is just how I am wired.

Before I knew what I know now, I would be in a pattern of taking 5 steps forward and 3 steps back toward my desires and goals.  The pattern and cycles were way more challenging than doing the things it took to attain my goals and attract my desires.

But, after I got to where I was heading, I’d falter back into the same behaviors and habits I had broken and I found myself back at square one.

It was soooo frustrating, hard, shameful, embarrassing, heart breaking…

What I know now is… while the outer manifestation of my goals would appear, I didn’t have within me the mindset and energetic vibration to maintain the expanded version of myself.

The patterns were losing 20 pounds to gain 25, losing 30 to gain 50 back; I download a business idea but shrunk back in fear before I could launch it; I’d have huge sales, big money flow but then bring the accounts down to nothing…

No shame, no guilt, no embarrassment… I learned from it all.  Always learning.

From my journey to where I am now, I learned what it took from within to make the internal shifts, expand my energetic vibration and have the strength and skills to maintain my next levels.

No more 5 steps back.  All forward – now that I know life is for me and knowing how to navigate the energy through the growth process.

Would you like to know how to navigate your energy, growth, journey, and process?   

Check out the replay of this Facebook live video I transmitted yesterday.  The energy coming through was fun, playful and no holds barred.

If you are REALLY ready to go further and deeper on your journey of growth and evolution – with ease and empowerment – email me to inquire about the available private programs exclusively for those who are committed to their Soul growth and personal expansion.

:: Have you been exploring the idea of soul channeled guidance with more intimate one on one support inside a sacred space?

:: Are you ready to break the forward / backward pattern?

:: Are you ready to step in and remain aligned with the expanded vibration?

That’s the funny thing…
The goals and desires were easier to allow and surrender to when I cleared the energy within me and locked into alignment with the expanded parts of myself – vibration, higher self, soul, divine essence.

What becomes available is through who you become.

“Hell YES”?  Message me now.  When you send your email, tell me what you are ready for and why now is the time for you.

Hugs and high fives,
Kelly Ann

P.S. Due to the level of support, there are only a handful of these spaces available and requests are carefully considered.

The sacredness of this work is honored by ensuring we are both a match to where you are and what you are looking for on your journey.

Also FYI… if you have been considering 1:1 work, you may want to jump on board now before the structure and pricing changes in 2019.